That's the Swiss guard, they're from Switzerland but serve as a Papal force in the Vatican. and you don't want to mess with them, they're fucking badass. They have very strict acceptance policies.
Those big Halberd (part spear, part giant axe)? Yeah, they're trained to use them, they're not for show, they are also highly trained with assault rifles and pistols. And they wear the heaviest uniform of any modern military unit.
Boom, knowledge for you.
YOU SIR ARE FUCKING AMAZING. IM NOW RELYING ON YOU TO AKNOWLEDGE ALL FORMS OF BADASSERY. This is a huge responsibility. Proceed with caution. *dubs you badassery genious*
I thank you kind sir/madam, your faith in me is not misplaced. If you want more badassery, feel free to check out the Mossad... Israeli special forces. They learn a form of martial arts called 'Krav Maga' which is all about damaging someone so brutally, quickly and finally that you can get away while they are still trying to reattach their jaws. They are taught to fight dirty, and always expect the ememy to have a hidden weapon, even if they have taken their primary weapon from them. As their final test, they have to clear a building full of 'enemies' (who are armed with loaded guns) with nothing but an empty M16. Also they have an unwritten rule that anyone who passes training without at least one knife wound from hand to hand training is a pussy.
no. these are the military uniforms for the guards at Vatican City. they only wear this on special occasions. However, the guards are all from Switzerland. but they don't wear these everyday and they are very professional. don't believe everything you see on the Internet people
Those big Halberd (part spear, part giant axe)? Yeah, they're trained to use them, they're not for show, they are also highly trained with assault rifles and pistols. And they wear the heaviest uniform of any modern military unit.
Boom, knowledge for you.