With the list of people who have gotten the prize in recent years, it really isn't worth much.
With the notable exception of Malala, that is. She's put in the leg work.
Remember when Obama got the prize for "what he was going to do?" And then all he did was kowtow to dictators and sheiks? And then got a bunch of firearms into Mexican drug lords' hands through that "fast and furious" program? Plus, instead of healing racial tensions, made sure to blow up every situation to make it worse? Oh yeah, remember when Yasser Arafat also won that peace prize as leader of the PLO? I mean wtf?
Obama received the peace prize and then proceeded to use his fleet of radio controlled model planes to kill hundreds of women and children. And if he had a son he would look like Trayvon, and don’t forget the Beer Summit after he escalated that situation, sending an envoy to Michael Brown’s funeral (but not Kate Steinle’s) he was quite the peacemaker.
With the notable exception of Malala, that is. She's put in the leg work.