That happened to me once. I was in the car with my mom and some guys driving like a maniac swerved in front of my mom. She honked and the guy GOT OUT OF THE CAR and started yelling at her for some reason and then he flipped her off and left. Then about 5 minutes later, we saw the same guy
He had rear ended into the back
Of a truck
With a skull and crossbones
And a heavily muscled biker guy (mustache and all) got out of the car
We found out the guy had to pay 2000 dollars in damages.
Best thing to do to tailgaters- (works on 2 lane freeways)
continue to drive until there is someone going very slow in the other lane
slow down and match their speed
you now have a very pissed off, idiot driver, that can't overtake :D
He had rear ended into the back
Of a truck
With a skull and crossbones
And a heavily muscled biker guy (mustache and all) got out of the car
We found out the guy had to pay 2000 dollars in damages.
continue to drive until there is someone going very slow in the other lane
slow down and match their speed
you now have a very pissed off, idiot driver, that can't overtake :D