This is lunch. For breakfast the steaks would be chicken fried, slathered in sausage gravy, and covered in a layer of crispy hash-browns and fried eggs in addition to the bread, bacon, cheese, and BBQ sauce.
And now I'm hungry.
You guys are all wrong, this isn't the typical american food choice, we would not take that long to make food for ourselves because we are all lazy son of a b******
I honestly don't want to seem rude or.... How do I say it.... "bitchy", but whoever posted this is clearly not American. Furthermore, I would like to make it clear that all Americans are not fat, lazy carnivores but are infact extremely fit. (At least everyone I know is....) Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm just getting sick and tired of these types of posts. Please stop steryotyping. When I can to Europe, you little fuckers served fried dough at Burger King. (It was SO DAMN GOOD though!)
And now I'm hungry.