I'm not offering to overextend anything for her , but I might offer her a bun to go with her coffee. I mean she used her blinker and actually parked without incident.
· 7 years ago
I don't care what they drive. I care HOW they drive.
Except for the fact that the gays, trannys, and other assorted flavors of freaks and weirdos are constantly in our faces and demanding that we "accept" them and give them preferential treatment. Kinda hard to ignore differences when the different ones will not let you.
Idk what lgbt people you have experience with, but remember that obnoxious behavior is not specific to groups of people. There are obnoxious, ignorant, annoying, or otherwise off-putting people of every race, gender, creed, and background. Most lgbt people (like myself) are not obnoxious and demand preferential treatment, and I’ve never had to experience discrimination because of my sexuality, so I don’t know how that experience would warp someone’s behavior and possibly lead them to be extreme in the sense where they don’t realize they’re being obnoxious and asking for said preferential treatment that is unreasonable and is past human decency. I agree that people shouldn’t be extremely fixated on the words that identify their sexuality or color or what have you, since this can lead to obnoxious behavior as well, but there’s nothing wrong with just having a word for an aspect of yourself and being comfortable enough to say it if it’s part of a story or getting to someone, etcetera.