No, I think the only way a bird can lay eggs is if they've been fertilized. But if the eggs aren't kept warm, they don't grow into chicks, they become eggs.
At least that's how I always understood it.
No, the female does not have to be fertilized to lay an egg. They must lay at least one egg a day or something is wrong with your chicken. It's like a chicken period, only every day, not one week a month. Putting it that way sounds gross, don't it?
If there is no rooster the eggs do not get fertilized those are the ones we eat. If there is a rooster they are fertilized and become a baby chick we do not eat these.
@Sophi, please elaborate. Don't vegans not eat eggs because of the cruelty in eating a chicken fetus (or something like that)? What I'm saying is that it really causes no harm at all eating eggs.
Yes, it all comes down to cruelty. Vegans don't wear leather, fur ect. either.
It's seems wierd for us that's not vegan that they don't eat eggs, but it's vegetarians that don't eat meat (fetus). Vegans don't eat/wear/use anything that is produced by an animal. Therefor no honey, no egg, no beaf, no milk, no leather jacket, no uggs, no woolen blanket ect.
Actually, they should not eat vegetables either, becouse no vegetables would grow if the insects (animals) made the soil good by eating it and pooping it.
And they should not eat anything that grows on a tree, becouse the insects make the flowers become fruit. So, yeah. Vegans should probably starve..
A lot of people eat the vegan diet for health reasons, not because they're crazy about animal rights. Why do people care what other people eat? And no, I am not a vegan or a vegetarian. I just don't care if someone else is.
Yes, some people do. But I honestly don't have any vegetarian/vegan friends that do it becouse it's healty. And I have lot of them. I don't care what people eat either, as long as you're not eating humas..
Yeah, you're actually right on that one. But it is in the hardest moments people abandon their faith. So I don't think a lot of vegans would care if they were about to die.
Actually strictly vegan diets can be hazardous to your health if you don't also take the right supplements to get all the vitamins you don't absorb through the food. There was a french woman whose baby she was breast feeding died from a vitamin deficiency that is crucial for development because the mom didn't take the supplements she was supposed to.
Yes, you have to take A LOT of vitamins. I don't understand vegans really, their giving up so many good tastes, and they don't do anything good actually. We won't stop milking cows just becouse they won't drink milk. But, we should all respect eachothers meanings, belives and life goals.
At least that's how I always understood it.
Dude, I couldn't give up cheese and ice cream. I would die.
Or meat, og stock ect. Only things that grow in the ground so to speak ;)
Do vegans eat honey?
It's seems wierd for us that's not vegan that they don't eat eggs, but it's vegetarians that don't eat meat (fetus). Vegans don't eat/wear/use anything that is produced by an animal. Therefor no honey, no egg, no beaf, no milk, no leather jacket, no uggs, no woolen blanket ect.
Actually, they should not eat vegetables either, becouse no vegetables would grow if the insects (animals) made the soil good by eating it and pooping it.
And they should not eat anything that grows on a tree, becouse the insects make the flowers become fruit. So, yeah. Vegans should probably starve..