Yes. Most airlines recommend carrying ashes as carry-on rather than checked baggage fir this reason. Some even require it and don't allow them in checked bags.
They did not go through it for "no reason" they went through it because it triggered an alarm because it was in a ceramic container wrapped in foil. TSA's website highly recommend putting the remains in a wood or plastic container before traveling to ensure it can be screened properly without setting off any alarms. Putting anything ceramic into checked luggage is already a bad idea, even if they hadn't opened it it could have easily broken. Very sad this happened but he could have easily prevented this by doing some research before traveling with precious cargo.
It wasn't a dick move, it wasn't intentional.
They didn't purposely pour his mothers ashes all over his things. It set off an alarm and they HAVE to check that bag if that happens. Its very possible that someone would try to sneak hazardous items onto a plane by hiding them in an urn, hoping TSA will not check it specifically because its in an urn.
They did not go through it for "no reason" they went through it because it triggered an alarm because it was in a ceramic container wrapped in foil. TSA's website highly recommend putting the remains in a wood or plastic container before traveling to ensure it can be screened properly without setting off any alarms. Putting anything ceramic into checked luggage is already a bad idea, even if they hadn't opened it it could have easily broken. Very sad this happened but he could have easily prevented this by doing some research before traveling with precious cargo.
They didn't purposely pour his mothers ashes all over his things. It set off an alarm and they HAVE to check that bag if that happens. Its very possible that someone would try to sneak hazardous items onto a plane by hiding them in an urn, hoping TSA will not check it specifically because its in an urn.
Dunce to dust