I feel so pissed off, this post is so accurate. One day, when I was 13, I asked a guy out to the Marti-Gras dance, he said yes. I had a friend named Ashley who said " No! YOU CAN'T GO OUT WITH HIM!!!" And started crying. When I inquired what was wrong, she replied with "I'VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH HIM SINCE 1ST GRADE! DUMP HIM RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!" And, I was forced to, because of the scene she was making, even though she already had had 5 boyfriends that year, and was dating the 6th. About a month after the dance, I confronted her to mind her own business and to stop being a child.She rolled her eyes and flipped the bird at me, "You're STILL hung up over that loser???"
Yep. We're still friends, because I am able to forgive.
In a different story, I once called her a slut. Let's just say she hits very hard.
Yep. We're still friends, because I am able to forgive.
In a different story, I once called her a slut. Let's just say she hits very hard.