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· 6 years ago
I'll delete if its bothersome
· 6 years ago
Hey, it's okay to still hurt when someone who was once precious to you goes away. Don't ever feel bad for being human and having emotions you can't control. Are you and your ex close?
· 6 years ago
Thanks, youre making me tear up youre so kind. And yes we are still close. We have the same circle of friends and I feel like kinda recently it was all good and nice and fun hanging out (after taking time) and I guess that now it's like a loss all over again
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· 6 years ago
Did she say she will keep in touch? It's difficult letting go of a person but this change might bring you new experiences and maybe let you move on from her a little better. Sometimes it's hard (at least from my experience) to actually truly move on from someone when they're still in your friendship group and still close to you. In the meantime, try and make sure you can stay in contact with her and don't be afraid to feel sad and grieve, having a friend move far away is hard so you can't really escape emotions like that.
· 6 years ago
I bet she will keep in touch. She's leaving on thursday, but she's also not the type to express openly so Im afraid I wont get a goodbye. And you're right, I thought so too. New things will come. And the reason she's moving is good for her so I hope she's happier there
· 6 years ago
Maybe text her a goodbye before she goes, or if you see her with your friend group give her a hug. Any goodbye is better than none, she'll appreciate it I'm sure. Exactly, knowing she'll be happy when she moves makes it a bit easier to deal with cause at least it's a positive change for her. I think it will be a positive change for you too, maybe not right now but eventually you'll start feeling better. True friends never really disappear from your life anyway, even if you don't talk for ages once you start again it's like things never changed between you.
· 6 years ago
Thank you so much, your words make me feel better. Im happy because she is gonna move to live with her sister, who's gonna give her a home, food plus a salary in exchange of watching her baby. I know my ex has always worried about income and excess of work, so i know that now she'll be able to really relax, let many worries go, she enjoys children and she'll be with family. I am now looking forward all the positive change in her
· 6 years ago
I'm really glad but don't be afraid to reach out if you start feeling sad again, okay?
· 6 years ago
I cant thank you enough
· 6 years ago
No need to, we got your back here