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· 6 years ago
My bilological father is half a bum, but a good chap nonetheless. The police have been harassing him his entire adult life, so much so that when his instruments were stolen (~€4000), they immediately filed the case as closed. They eventually sat at a pawn shop and the tenders refused to sell the instruments back to him. The police turned a blind eye and let the instruments be sold under the table. He is also pulled over nearly every time he gets in a vehicle, even though he is sober and has valid license. Police do indeed harass white people.
· 6 years ago
is he still being harrased by them?
· 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
you might wanna see what legal actions you can take, i don't know much about the law, but I do know police officers aren't supposed to be over it.
· 6 years ago
Mate, if we could do something about our local police, we would. The keys of power are not in the hands of the people.
· 6 years ago
Uhm, nobody ever said (american) police would never harass white people. The common argument is that they harass brown and black people overproportionally often. In order to get harassed as a white person, it's probably sufficient to come across poor, because poor white has become the new black. Had John Rambo had a car and country club clothing, probably nothing would have happened.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Although African Americans are yelling the loudest about police brutality (because of all the deaths of young Black people), the cry is not "police brutality against Blacks." Police methods should be reexamined country wide as they're applied to everyone. And if we could get OTHER races to see that too, then we'd really feel like all lives mattered.
· 6 years ago
Re-examined worldwide*