cause my standards are very high and i refuse to settle for less as i know my worth.
also being single is not a bad thing once you're a completed individual yourself.
and please don't feel offended (or do, not like i care about your nonsense feeling) but hearing your constantly whining about tiny tiny things in relationship worries my content self.
· 6 years ago
I’m genuinely curious as to what kind of man would suit you well. You’re an interesting character. You’re not as tough as you make out to be though, Rosy has a gooey caramel filled centre, it’s just hard to tell how deep inside that centre is.
also being single is not a bad thing once you're a completed individual yourself.
and please don't feel offended (or do, not like i care about your nonsense feeling) but hearing your constantly whining about tiny tiny things in relationship worries my content self.