this is literarly insane, there are double yolked eggs out there for sale? in boxes? how do they even make sure?? actually how do they even /make/ eggs with double yolks??
You can check for double yolks by holding an egg up to a light source. Double yoked eggs occur naturally in about 1/1000 eggs. Double yoked eggs also have a tendency to be larger and more fragile. These eggs are more likely to be produced by young hen's, and there is also a genetic component, causing some hen's to just be more likely to lay them.
I am not familiar with the specifics but I would guess that double yoked eggs are simply sorted from the rest and sold independently. Its possible that some farmers may try to produce double yoked eggs intentionally, but I don't know how viable that would be.
I have gotten an entire box of double yolked eggs out of a regular box, but after research they usually sort them that way so if you get one, chances are you have a few more in your carton
I am not familiar with the specifics but I would guess that double yoked eggs are simply sorted from the rest and sold independently. Its possible that some farmers may try to produce double yoked eggs intentionally, but I don't know how viable that would be.