A legit conversation between me and my family.
Me: what if that freaking dog bites me!
Uncle *in the chillest tone you can imagine* just bite it back.
Me: but it got lots of hair! I'll get hair in my mouth (it still surprises me to this day that this was my only concern)
Uncle: you gotta bite it back, it's self-defend
The rest of the family: he's right, you gotta.
I've never bitten a living dog for anyone who is concerned.
Me: what if that freaking dog bites me!
Uncle *in the chillest tone you can imagine* just bite it back.
Me: but it got lots of hair! I'll get hair in my mouth (it still surprises me to this day that this was my only concern)
Uncle: you gotta bite it back, it's self-defend
The rest of the family: he's right, you gotta.
I've never bitten a living dog for anyone who is concerned.
So... you've bitten a dead dog?