Invest in Google and Apple I guess?
You can do crazier things when you're rich.
My old co-worker told me it only cost about 50 bucks to have someone's finger chopped off by local gang so I wanna see if that's true or nah and I'd be I teenager so they wouldn't put me in jail if I got caught so that's good.
· 5 years ago
If I couldn't do any Back to the Future sports almanac shit, I would then put the idea in my head to start a YouTube channel. Back then I had tons of money and free time because I worked part time and had all my bills paid. Nowadays I have so much I want to do but bills and the sheer lack of time I have prevents me from putting myself into something like that 100%.
Invest in Google and Apple I guess?
You can do crazier things when you're rich.
My old co-worker told me it only cost about 50 bucks to have someone's finger chopped off by local gang so I wanna see if that's true or nah and I'd be I teenager so they wouldn't put me in jail if I got caught so that's good.