You are the ignorant one. There is so much science showing how a baby IS a person at conception. And 98% of abortions or for stupid social reason. lovelillies you are the ignorant one.
Honestly, to me it doesn't even matter when the baby is a human, I would rather have a woman get an abortion than add one more unwanted kid to the world. I mean, yeah, it could be adopted.... but then all the other kids waiting to be adopted, one of them won't be adopted because the mother who didn't even want to give birth to this kid was forced by someone who had no business interfering anyway.
This is why I believe that abortion should be available to rape victims. It's one thing to accidentally get pregnant, it's another to be rated and get pregnant. Maybe abortion shouldn't be an option for everyone, but rape victims shouldn't be forced to have the child of the man who raped them.
If you don't like abortions, don't have one
Here's my view:
Okay, say my little sister was in a car accident and needed an organ that only I could give her. She would die without it. But I have NO legal obligation to give it to her. My body is mine, in that respect. So why is abortion any different?
I think that abortion SHOULD be legal, because people's bodies are their own and no one else should take that away from them. Yes, it's a life, but it won't feel a thing. People shouldn't be forced to have and care for a child they cant support, or have the child and add another unwanted person to the world.
I don't agree with the morals of abortion, but it's not my choice whether someone else should get an abortion. It's their choice and they can decide what they like.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
I may be ignorant on many things in this world full of knowledge. But not about this. I am a woman and if I was rapped I would get an abortion. I will not allow my body to make a life which was conceived out of hate.
but i agree with the 13th trimester deal. after that point it is actually able to survive outside of the woman's body and is no longer just a developing potential life it *is* a life
sorry? its a fact though that after that point it can survive outside of the female if she waited that long to have an abortion she can just have a ceasarian.
ok this is the reason behind pro life
we believe that while women have rights, what if the babies ar women too?
we believe it is murder because science has proven babies can feel pain far before they are born and have a mind and soul, and are therefore killed by abortion and that they are human beings too.
If you don't like abortions, don't have one
Okay, say my little sister was in a car accident and needed an organ that only I could give her. She would die without it. But I have NO legal obligation to give it to her. My body is mine, in that respect. So why is abortion any different?
I think that abortion SHOULD be legal, because people's bodies are their own and no one else should take that away from them. Yes, it's a life, but it won't feel a thing. People shouldn't be forced to have and care for a child they cant support, or have the child and add another unwanted person to the world.
I don't agree with the morals of abortion, but it's not my choice whether someone else should get an abortion. It's their choice and they can decide what they like.
we believe that while women have rights, what if the babies ar women too?
we believe it is murder because science has proven babies can feel pain far before they are born and have a mind and soul, and are therefore killed by abortion and that they are human beings too.