I'm not saying you're wrong about freaking out, but it isn't laying eggs. Assuming it is a type of wolf spider, they carry around a very large egg sack. When the babies come out, they crawl onto their mothers back and just hang there for awhile. So no, this spider isn't giving birth. It's just its thousands of spawn falling off of her back. All the more reason to but it with fire.
NO NO NO NO DON'T KILL IT!!! Keep it in the container, then we can add it to the pit of doom. You know, the one Justin Bieber is scheduled to be thrown in?
This has happened to me too D: it ran across the kitchen floor and my sister hit it with a shoe then all of the sudden it exploded into billions of baby spiders running in all directions
· 11 years ago
I find lizards more repelling
· 11 years ago
On a positive note... At least we know who let the dogs out..?
If the mother spider doesn't die before they're born, she will eat them until she does.