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· 11 years ago
If I were a homosexual, I wouldn't try to keep it low-key or hide it. I'd be proud about it. Most aren't in your face at all, it just seems like it because they don't care what people think, they want to be themselves
· 11 years ago
I don't care if someone is gay, strait, bi, black, white, green, blue, purple, or pink. But I had an experience with a flambouyant gay man where he LITERALLY followed a man in a golf cart, making loud and suggestive comments to him. The poor guy was very uncomfortable. I don't like it when homosexuals very clearly try to make someone else feel uncomfortable. I think that is the point of all of this.
· 11 years ago
That's true, but remember that straight people do that too. And people with "superior" race or religion
· 11 years ago
Remember when Europeans thought they were genetically superior to other races and enslaved Africa and Asia?
· 11 years ago
I'm bisexual and he/she has a point
· 11 years ago
I think what this bear is trying to say is be Anderson Cooper, not Richard Simmons, hes a butt pirate
· 11 years ago
I don't always want to hear about what your sexual preferences are and vice versa. Not saying you should be proud/happy in who you are! I have no problems but I don't want it shoved down my throat like religion or anything else for that matter. :-)
· 10 years ago
· 11 years ago
How can you support theyre rights if you're uncomfortable with them. Also they're basically in a revolution, they want to express gay culture, similer to when African Americans in the 50s were haveing ralleys and comminting acts considered colored like jazz or Cajun food, people disgusted by them in the beginning.Futher probably don't have a problem when a heterosexual is kissing their partner
· 11 years ago
That's not the point about them kissing and all, the guy is talking about all these people who are bat-fucking-insane screaming that they are gay at random times, I don't mind gay people, I defend them being bi myself and getting attracted to another female, but I don't scream it, it's no ones bissness unless it comes up or they just know and you don't need to talk about it all the time, it's just like you don't paride being stright to every one.