You're addressing a bunch of worthless wastes of oxygen whom can barely claim to have a brain stem let alone a functional brain. If he spit on them they would likely never bathe again. One can only hope and pray that the spit of that worthless excuse for a creature is a poisonous acid that melts anything it touches.
Usually when people say they want Justina Beaver to die, they mean just lock him in a cell for the rest of his life and give him rat tails and sewer water to survive on.
I am a cool person. I keep my shit together, I can take jokes. But I really do not understand why so many people claim to hate him so much they want him to die. It is seriously fucked up, why are you holding a grudge to someone you don't even know?
u know what idiot stop fuckin telling her shit becuz shes fuckin right and u know tht u just dont wanna admit it becuz u dont wanna look like the big loser thts wrong
I know this is a little late, but I'd like to make a comment about the Bieber incident at the restaurant... Justin Bieber urinated in a mop bucket at a public restaurant, then sprayed a picture of President Clinton and yelled "F*** you Clinton" and was not reprimanded. Natalie Maines from The Dixie Chicks spoke her opinion about the United States' involvement in the Iraq war, and was banned from country radio, consequently ruining the career of an AMAZING group of women who sang real music for real people. How does that make any sense? What this little punk gets away with makes me livid. Someone needs to step up and stop him.
No one understands what a good role model is anymore and before you know it they'll be spitting on people too, thinking it's okay. That might be a little overboard but you get the point
So we're going to just let that be okay? I don't understand why no one has stepped up and confronted the little brat. This is what the generation after us 90's kids has as a role model and this is the kind of behavior that we can expect from them.
P.S. the two guest posts above are from me.
idk y ur hating on him ur probaly jst hating on him becuz u have alot. of haters on u and ur trying to let tht ouut on him .........................100% beliebers
Ummm.... nope that actually isn't what's going on. I can deal with my own problems without venting on other people. I wouldn't even call what I'm saying "hatin'." He is a terrible person, have you not been paying attention to what he has been up to lately? If you think I'm just "hatin'" on him, then please justify his actions.
I'm trying to understand here. What is so great about him? I base my judgment of people based on their morals, values, and actions. So far, JB has not proven to be a good person in my eyes. He destroys property, disrespects our nations leaders, spits on people, spits on HIS FANS, and he is incredibly disrespectful to people... I could keep going. When you can justify his actions and explain to me why he is such a great person, then maybe I'll reconsider my detest toward him.
Guys really. Okay first of all just cause there are some stupid Beliebers doesn't mean we're all like that okay? I personally feel very insulted by all of you saying that just because I am a belieber I should die/be killed/be melted by acid. Yes, we like Justin Bieber. Yes, maybe he is a bad person, but what we've seen of him is a kid who messes up sometimes but is still a good person. So maybe we just all have really bad judgement. Does that really mean we deserve to die? And just because Justin has done some bad things, does that mean that he deserves to die? Really think about saying someone deserves death. Sometimes, even people who have killed others don't get the death penalty and you're saying that because Justin's peed in a mop bucket he should die? He's still a human being. Really think about what death means. Has he really done something so bad that he deserves to die?
u know wt ur jst like all the other people trying to hate on justin bieber and then thinking ur all cool well guess what nigga ur not so quit ur shit and stop hating on justin bieber becuz he dont do shit to all yall haters and another thing everytime yall say something like “oh i wish justin bieber would die " thts affending all of us beliebers too so quit on tht also becuz havent yall noticed tht all the things u say hurt other people and yall r just wasting ur time becuz yall dont get anything out of it .
Ur all fags &' haters. I know No one like Bieber but who cares. Everyone has thrown waterballons at someone &' laughed. This is just like that. You're all wasting energy typing senseless crap.
The reason everybody is hating on him is cuz they have no lifes and they wish they can be as popular as him ............................shoutout to alll the beliebers out there .........................i love all the beliebers '........................... i hate all the justin haters .................IM 100% A BILIEBER!!!!!!!!!!
The only people who lack LIVES are the morons who follow that freak and he isn't popular he's just an attention whore who sucked the right dick to get a little fame.
P.S. the two guest posts above are from me.