Never understood this take. 9/10 I play the female option. The only time I ever exclusively play a male character is in Pokémon, and that’s only cause I headcannon it as my same character since yellow
· 2 years ago
Exceptions from the rule only prove there's a rule.
No, Viewing it as an exception rather than the status quo is the reason that people believe in a rule that doesn’t exist.
· 2 years ago
· 2 years ago
Tomb Raider is probably not the best example to prove that point, because apparently Lara's butt is an essential asset to the game for many, many gamers, especially the hairy palm kind (you know who you are and you will downvote this posting). Even in the first couple versions, which is a bit irritating but given what they say about young, male gamers... let's say, it seemed to rock a lot of boats. And it has been the subject of major "improvements" over the years. Every new version of the game raises debates about Lara's physical features which are always in the very focus of the the gamer. There's an uncountable number of comments about it and cropped pics and flicks of it, so I don't expect a lot of people to argue with that, but just downvote me.
Not to mention the question whether there is an example #2. Cause there isn't, is there?
· 2 years ago
Example number #2? You mean a second inspiring female videogame lead?
· 2 years ago
No, that's not what I mean, as you well know. I mean popularity among male gamers, for whatever reason.
I'm aware there's loads of inspiring female videogame leads, inspiring (young) women. None of them has a great male following though, except for those who have "inspiring" physical attributes. And there's - apparently - but a very few male gamers who feel inspired by these "inspiring" characters to reflect on what it would be like as an alternative gender.
Not to mention the question whether there is an example #2. Cause there isn't, is there?
I'm aware there's loads of inspiring female videogame leads, inspiring (young) women. None of them has a great male following though, except for those who have "inspiring" physical attributes. And there's - apparently - but a very few male gamers who feel inspired by these "inspiring" characters to reflect on what it would be like as an alternative gender.