Is he playing White or Black?
White to move:
White takes Queen
Black takes Pawn with Knight, threatening Queen and Rook
White moves Queen in front of own King, check!
Black takes Pawn with King
White moves Rook left
White leads Queen 9 - Bishop 3 - Pawn 1 = 5 points
Black to move:
Black Knight takes Pawn
White Bishop takes Queen
Black Knight takes Queen
White King takes Knight
White leads Queen 9 + Knight 3 - Queen 9 - Pawn 1 = 2 points
White to move:
White takes Queen
Black takes Pawn with Knight, threatening Queen and Rook
White moves Queen in front of own King, check!
Black takes Pawn with King
White moves Rook left
White leads Queen 9 - Bishop 3 - Pawn 1 = 5 points
Black to move:
Black Knight takes Pawn
White Bishop takes Queen
Black Knight takes Queen
White King takes Knight
White leads Queen 9 + Knight 3 - Queen 9 - Pawn 1 = 2 points