We climbed trees and jumped off swingsets to see who could fly the farthest. We jumped our bikes off ramps. We ate carrots and radishes from the garden after rinsing them off with a garden hose.
I never wanted my kids, or anyone else's, to break an arm or get sick or hurt in any way. However, IMO it's worth the small risk to not be raised in an antiseptic bubble and have no "kid adventures" or any concept of risk and consequence.
We also didn't have anywhere near today's instances of peanut allergies and sensitivities, which makes me wonder how much mommies using hand sanitizer at every turn contributed to the stunted immune systems.
I never wanted my kids, or anyone else's, to break an arm or get sick or hurt in any way. However, IMO it's worth the small risk to not be raised in an antiseptic bubble and have no "kid adventures" or any concept of risk and consequence.
We also didn't have anywhere near today's instances of peanut allergies and sensitivities, which makes me wonder how much mommies using hand sanitizer at every turn contributed to the stunted immune systems.