Humans ingest large quantities of poison that kills off their brain cells. They often do this as part of "social events" and sometimes just because they feel like it. They also take highly addictive plant matter and burn it, inhaling the smoke. Not only does this damage the lungs of the user, but has the potential to harm others in its air space. Finally, human medicine is so backward, that most internal injuries are solved by using sharpen metal pieces to cut the victim open and cut out the damaged area. Barbaric. I is advised that if the Human race ever were to come into conflict with our empire that orbital bombardment be taken into consideration for our reaction.
The least intelligent of this species comes from a region known as America, or in their language, 'Murcia'. They tend to care more about celebrities more than real problems existing in their world. They have a steady diet of McDonalds, which is high in fat, fries, and burgers. Upon eating this they build up body fat, which may act as blubber to keep them warm.
Before choosing a partner to consemate with, 2 humans will rub the meat tentacles found in their mouths ritually before performing the actual insemination.
Every time the side of the planet that the humans are on faces away from the sun, they put on special garments, and enter a coma- like state for hours in end.
How else could humans have lasted as long as we have?