Aww man, I planned to do exactly this for April Fools Day with my husband. My brother was going to dress up as a waiter and everything. Now we aren't original. :(
Seen this done a few times in real life and all i can think is "what a bunch of stupid, time wasting, attention seeking hipsters."
If u do this, u need a life...and a job. Excuse me now, i need to go work my 2nd job, milions of ppl on welfare are depending on me....
· 11 years ago
Okay, well I guess you could technically consider all jokes and pranks to be a waste of time. I don't know where you got the idea that anyone who does this is unemployed with no life though. Have fun feeling self-righteous with your "milions of ppl on welfare".
If u do this, u need a life...and a job. Excuse me now, i need to go work my 2nd job, milions of ppl on welfare are depending on me....