I went on that website once. The first post i looked at turned out to be JB photoshopped porn. Its safe to say i haven't been on it since
· 11 years ago
Most of it is just boring endless reposts. Sometimes a funny thread happens. The stuff you probably want to avoid is gore, bestiality, and child porn. All those things seem to get posted frequently. (Although the moderators are quick to delete illegal content.) 4chan tries very hard to be offensive whenever possible, so you need to take everything with a grain of salt. You might prefer to browse 4chan archive: a site for saving the best threads.
4chan was first created as an anime site and most of the site is still anime. They have added lots of different threads though. And the porn you are referring to; they warn you when you enter the porn threads.
· 11 years ago
Hey, uh, did you happen to notice that the last comment on this post was made 16 weeks ago? I think the questions have been resolved by now.
I only go on 1 board on 4chan but its mostly porn
Super simple stuff.