I've always wanted to have a guy as a best friend.
· 11 years ago
Yeah its great, you guys become really close until you're inseperable and everythings great and he means the world to you. And then it'll hit you he'll text you one night saying how much he actually loves you and you know deep in your heart you just do not share the same feelings, he's like a brother and its not the same so you tell him you're not interested that way and bam he usually hates you!
I just have one little thing. How can a guy, let alone a best friend fall in love with moi? I'm like a very tall below average looking potato.
· 11 years ago
Theres a guy out there for everyone, especially when it comes to being friends with you. Even if he doesnt like you at first after becoming friends with someone its very likely they start to fall for you and looks dont become a high factor.