So I fully agree that you have all the right to plop down and feed that baby anywhere you like. But For the love of God Don't let the kid be old enough to walk. And Please for consideration of everyone else drape a simple blanket over you and the child. And Yes I am a Mother who breast fed in public. But I have seen some women that just have no care for others and pull out a tit from the top of her shirt and sit there not caring as people have to act like that isn't happening. But a blanket over you and it looks as if you just cradling your child as it sleeps. If you think it's wrong to show your tits on tv, movies, and public, why must you whip it out to have a child feed.
THANK YOU. I'm a mother to be and I plan on breast feeding and I certainly will cover myself in public! I'm not ashamed, I just don't want people seeing what they have no business seeing. Boobs are more than just the nipple, so even with your child covering the nipple, the whole rest of your stuff sticking out is still your boob!
Hahaha! Enjoy the peace while it lasts, coz she's gonna become a teen whether you like it or not ^_^ I'm a teen boy and I know what teen girls can be like
I think they should make special breast feeding areas where mothers can go with the children to breast feed comfortingly in private. With maybe a creche for older children.
I get feeding the baby if its hungry, but just cover it up. It's not that hard
· 8 years ago
Responding to earlier comments - actually, in some malls the women's bathroom includes a breastfeeding space with benches and toys for older kids.
· 11 years ago
If we're protesting against mother feeding their babies without covering up because we see part of the breast, and not the nipple, then we need to make lingerie stores and bonds do the same. It's the same deal, only the models are selling lingerie, and the mother's feeding a baby. You'd be whinging if the baby was crying out of hunger.