I don't think there is a way to block numbers from appearing on the phone bill- but every 1-800 number is free, and you can call it from pay phones, etc. Also there are a lot of organizations that offer online chats in place if phone calls- you can Google to find the type of support you need.
I called the Suicide hotline (to talk about a friend) but all I got was that dumb telemarketer talking about a free cruise to the bahamas... so I called the depression hotline, and the guy was really nice.
General Youth Support
1. CHILDLINE = 0800 55 555
2. Suicide Hotline = 0800 567 567
3. Suicide Hotline = 051 448 3000
Physical & Mental Health [includes suicide, depression, pregnancy, and sexual health-related lines]
1. HIV/AIDS Hotline = 011 0800 012 322
Substance Abuse
1. SADAG Hotline = 0800 121314