or when you cant tell them that you saw them stealing and they think your stupid and rascist for looking at them when you see them stuff company clothes down their pants or their empty purses magically filling up
· 11 years ago
'i hate your hellspawn with the fire of a thousand suns'
I worked the returns desk in high school and my favorite was people wanting to get their 10ยข on an item that was priced wrong. I was not allowed to just give them a dime. I has to do a whole return and ring the item up again.
The last one. It gets worse. Light off. No one standing at register. Every other register open except that one, he just wants that one because it's empty. Stands there for a minute. "Uh, is anyone going to come ring me up?" No. That would require calling in someone who is not working right now. You are not that important.