On the 12th day of Christmas the Titans gave to me
12 dead friends
11 dead friends
10 dead friends
9 dead friends
8 dead friends
7 dead friends
6 dead friends
fiiiiiiiive eaten friends~
4 dead friends
3 dead friends
2 dead friends
and a teammate smashed against a giant tree
I cannot believe that those who like twilight still exist. Poor poor creatures. If you like twilight, get off the internet, for there is no place for your kind here!
Wrong. And Twilight it good. You're the poor thing if you're so superficial all you can get out of it is the importance of having a boyfriend. If that's what you take from it, that's not the book's moral. Its yours.
Why would I? You deserve to rot in the pit of no wifi because of how you attack people who have different opinions. Tits commands you to the pit of no wireless Internet!
· 11 years ago
No, I'M the one who created the pit of doom. You don't have permission to tamper with the pit of doom
Really? You said biotch? This is the internet. We say bitch not biotch.
It's ok if you have your own opinion, but if you don't like what you see on here or on this post, then please don't comment and start a riot, because we internet people kinda get serious when it comes to internet riors and battles, sweetie.
Jingle bells,
weird people smell,
Internet is the best
The invisible Boat-Mobile lost a wheel
and I'm glad we hate guests. Hey!
Dashing through the rage,
on a Windows 8 today,
plugging in my Christmas lights
and when they shine I shout,"Yay!"
Jingle bells,
weird people smell,
Internet is the best
The invisible Boat-Mobile lost a wheel
and I'm glad we hate guests. Hey!
Dashing through the rage,
on a Windows 8 today,
plugging in my Christmas lights
and when they shine I shout,"Yay!"
Jingle bells,
weird people smell,
Internet is the best
The invisible Boat-Mobile lost a wheel
and I'm glad we hate guests. Hey!
Dashing through the rage,
on a Windows 8 today,
plugging in my Christmas lights
and when they shine I shout,"Yay!"
Twilight for life... Just saying. I usually get very frustrated when people make fun of it and fight back. But all I'm going to say is people have their own opinions. And there is no reason for someone to make fun of something YOU life. No one said you had to like it...... Fuck off
What does their saying that have to do with me? I was agreeing about idiots not making fun of Twilight. I wouldn't make fun of someone's opinion. Ns sad the guest's opinion was wrong, I said his opinion was wrong. No fun was poked. Hopefully he or she realizes how stupid it is to say an opinion is wrong.
the your opinion is wrong comment was obviously a humorous way to say that i disagreed. but twilight fans generally have a mental impairment that makes it impossible to see obvious thigs, such as the fact that twilight sucks camel cock.
Well, you're an asshole if you believe that, but hey that's what therapists are for. :) Tell me though, have you actually read the series? If so, what exactly did you find to "suck camel rock"? And please, lets remember to keep it intelligent and logical. If you haven't read the series, kindly fuck off and talk to me when you have.
Says the guy who read the 1st HP book...
You have to be the most hypocritical twat I've seen on here in some time. And to think you consider yourself the only one with their head on straight. What a laugh.
dumby u said to read the books before forming opinions, but you formed opinions on harry potter before reading the series. if you want, search the definition of hypocrite in the dictionary.
To calmthelovelytits, I'm not here to argue with you but I was just curious to know what you like about Twilight. I'm not asking this in a rude manner, I'm just interested because most of the time Twihards' reasons for liking it are "cuz the guys are sooooo hot" and maybe you have a different and more valid reason than that :)
Well, I thank you for not being rude (unlike everyone else). I think the girls that say they like it because the guys are so hot, are just talking about the movies. I like the books. I think they are very well written, and unlike most people I'm able to see past trivial facts like Edward sparkling. I like the love story. It's about fighting for those that you love. Everyone says that Bella has no emotion; they clearly haven't read the series because she does. Just because she's not comfortable with friends, doesn't mean she's a feelingless robot. She loves her family, they are the ones she truly cares for. The series can be compared to so many other love stories, and that element is what I really like. Thanks for asking. :)
Thank you for replying! It's nice to see a Twihard not yell their invalid opinions at other people. I'm not a fan of Twilight but I can see why some people like it now :) People shouldn't put themselves above others just because they like different things so it really doesn't bother me whether you like Twilight or not, just as long as you don't have a stupid reason to do so.
Well, its nice to find someone s open minded. Would you mind telling me why you don't like it? I don't really mind if people don't like it, I just hate when they give ridiculous and unintelligent reasons.
If you're a fan of love stories, what made you give up on HP? I'm pretty sure there are at least a couple in that series, although that's only an assumption based on the movies.
To calmthelovelytits, I don't like it because I personally found it boring except for a couple parts :/ I read all 4 books and I found them overly long and I didn't really like the portrayal of the characters. I'm also not that into lovey-dovey stories most of the time so I guess that's why... But that's just my opinion and it isn't that big of a deal :) We all like different stuff and it's cool, dude.
I feel the same way about twilight as calmthelovelytits does, but I feel like I'm the only person who thinks Edwards sparkling was kind of logical. Why? Because they explain that his skin is as hard as diamonds, only breakable by vampire or werewolf teeth. So if it has a texture like diamonds, it's not so weird for it to sparkle in sunlight just like diamonds do right?
Hm, that's a very interesting approach, guest. I hadn't thought about it that way. :) In any sense, the fact that he sparkles doesn't make him a sissy.
There's nothing funny about being gay. Shame on you.
(Not wasting any more comments on you, just wanted to make it clear you thought it was a possibility. You know, if case you conveniently forgot.)
Jingle bells
No one likes twilight
I have a chainsaw
I will use it to cut off your head
And you'll get thrown into the pit of doom
Dashing through the blood,
On a one horse open sleigh.
On the fields we go,
Laughing evily! (Mwahaha!)
Fire on swaggots burn,
Making spirits bright,
Oh what fun it is to laugh and sing a killing song tonight!
Describe to me why you insist that Twilight is better than the great and brilliant Harry Potter? *mutters* someone needs to avada kadavra this crazy bloke...
I've never read Harry Potter, so obviously I would be promoting the series I do know and like over the other one of these two choices. I did actually read the first Harry Potter . . . It wasn't exactly the shits.
12 dead friends
11 dead friends
10 dead friends
9 dead friends
8 dead friends
7 dead friends
6 dead friends
fiiiiiiiive eaten friends~
4 dead friends
3 dead friends
2 dead friends
and a teammate smashed against a giant tree
It's ok if you have your own opinion, but if you don't like what you see on here or on this post, then please don't comment and start a riot, because we internet people kinda get serious when it comes to internet riors and battles, sweetie.
weird people smell,
Internet is the best
The invisible Boat-Mobile lost a wheel
and I'm glad we hate guests. Hey!
Dashing through the rage,
on a Windows 8 today,
plugging in my Christmas lights
and when they shine I shout,"Yay!"
Jingle bells,
weird people smell,
Internet is the best
The invisible Boat-Mobile lost a wheel
and I'm glad we hate guests. Hey!
Dashing through the rage,
on a Windows 8 today,
plugging in my Christmas lights
and when they shine I shout,"Yay!"
Jingle bells,
weird people smell,
Internet is the best
The invisible Boat-Mobile lost a wheel
and I'm glad we hate guests. Hey!
Dashing through the rage,
on a Windows 8 today,
plugging in my Christmas lights
and when they shine I shout,"Yay!"
You have to be the most hypocritical twat I've seen on here in some time. And to think you consider yourself the only one with their head on straight. What a laugh.
It's the fact that he's in love with Jacob that makes him a sissy. But hey, who wouldn't when your only other option is a wooden plank?
There's nothing funny about being gay. Shame on you.
(Not wasting any more comments on you, just wanted to make it clear you thought it was a possibility. You know, if case you conveniently forgot.)
No one likes twilight
I have a chainsaw
I will use it to cut off your head
And you'll get thrown into the pit of doom
Dashing through the blood,
On a one horse open sleigh.
On the fields we go,
Laughing evily! (Mwahaha!)
Fire on swaggots burn,
Making spirits bright,
Oh what fun it is to laugh and sing a killing song tonight!