When I was severely depressed I wasw going to kill myself, I caught a bus to town and was going to walk to an abandoned house. half way through the mall a little girl maybe only 4 years old came up to me and handed me a flower, said "Have a great day mister!" And let out the biggest most genuine smile. I felt happy, for the first time in a long time. A smile saved my life.
i was having a say, rough day, and my sister and i were
driving somewhere. the window was down and at a stoplight a steanger saw i was upset so he gave me a wave and smile. Without knowing it he made my day100 times better. Just thinking that someone who took a moment to say hello makes you feel better. Please take a moment to save someones day.
driving somewhere. the window was down and at a stoplight a steanger saw i was upset so he gave me a wave and smile. Without knowing it he made my day100 times better. Just thinking that someone who took a moment to say hello makes you feel better. Please take a moment to save someones day.