i is the square root of a negative number. It's called "imaginary" because there are no such thing as the square root of a negative number, specifically, -1.
How much I wish they taught me to balance a checkbook in class.... I don't remember half the shit I learned and I don't even use it on a daily basis.... I really think math should teach these types of things like paying taxes, bills, balancing the checkbook, ect. Because I know I'm not the only one who feels like a dumbass because I am unable to figure this stuff out alone. :(
· 11 years ago
You know what I hate, I suck at math! But it's all this working out an area of a triangle etc! I'm pissed, I'm not guna fucking use that ever in life and just because I can't get the right answer for a useless math question I fail,pisses me off!
*starts dancing around the Christmas tree*