I take Spanish, not French. So just a quick question: Does "hon, hon, hon" mean anything particular in French or is it probably just a weird noise this person wanted to make?
The reason why french people call it pomme de terre is because it was brought from America and european people were scared of eating some random vegetable coming from an unknown land. As we were familiar with apples it's been decided to call this strange thing earth apple: it sounded less scary. I'm french, I'm sure of what I'm saying, we can be stupid sometimes...
Clearly guest hasn't had to learn a new language or just didn't bother to go beyond "um". I think "how do you say it" is a better line than "you know, fuck, umm..." while you try to remember what word you wanted
Rant over :D
Aw oh no! Guest was quoting The Most Popular Girls In School and for 7 years no one got it!! They were referring to Brittany screaming this at Saison Marguerite, the french student who always said "how do you say" even before french words
Rant over :D