User funsubstanceuser Banned
Lol 35 comments
· 8 years ago
Be the change you wish to see 13 comments
· 8 years ago
First, if the list is as complete as it says, that's probably not really the majority. Also you use a wrong logic here. Are most musicians who are also gang bangers hip hop artist? Most probably. Does that make most hip hop artists gang bangers? Most probably not.
Also the list shows a lot of crimes committed BEFORE these people became musicians. People can change their ways.
Also the list shows a lot of crimes committed BEFORE these people became musicians. People can change their ways.
Be the change you wish to see 13 comments
· 8 years ago
No, seriously, many, if not most of them play a part, just like an actor. What about Death Metal musicians? You really think most of them sacrifice children to the goat god? I just don't like the generalisation here.
Edited 8 years ago
Be the change you wish to see 13 comments
· 8 years ago
"most musicians just act like themselves. " - Please, enlighten me then, how the exact fuck do you know this? There is no legitimate reason there.
Be the change you wish to see 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't think you know what art is or what an artist does. So Mads Mikkelsen couldn't expect to be treated like a decent person because he played Hannibal Lector so damn great? That quote is also bullshit as keepsake already pointed out, as there's a lot of conscience hip hop out there. Its just not that much in demand.
Edited 8 years ago
Lol 35 comments
· 8 years ago
I get how "she is a traitor and a killer" is an extreme side, but "it's probably not that bad" is not really that extreme. I don't know if there are many people around declaring her a saint, the most enthusiastic you hear from most liberals about her is "Trump is so much worse".
best line ever 19 comments
· 8 years ago
I also don't watch Jon Stewart any more. Cause he's off the show for nearly a year now...
Got but stop 12 comments
BLM 48 comments
· 8 years ago
"In fact I am here to have a decent conversation" - aaaand you lost me right there you pathetic hypocrite.
Edited 8 years ago
Someone is editing all the US state slogans on wikipedia and it's amazing 28 comments
· 8 years ago
@boonani Oh its totally not impossible. I will probably do it any time from now on when it might confuse you if I didn't. Let's hope I remember.
This is my unpopular opinion. 26 comments
· 8 years ago
What you mean is I have to leave the my backups adequacy to your discretion. You ok?
Lol 35 comments
· 8 years ago
Uhm... no? The FBI went thru her emails like pedophiles thru a childrens beach fashion catalogue and found nothing when it took everybody just a few minutes to find his life-like fuck puppet is a shameless cribber.
Since war is almost inevitable anyway 21 comments
· 8 years ago
I think the OP should have rather used the Confused Keanu here instead of the Unpopular Opinion Penguin.
BLM 48 comments
· 8 years ago
@guestwho so your calling my presentation of facts "baseless and false statements and platitudes from the radical left" is based on what deep truth on your side? My "ad hominem" is just the icing. Don't pretend your shit don't stink, you're not here to have a decent conversation, are you?
This is my unpopular opinion. 26 comments
· 8 years ago
"You have the burden of proof. " - don't try and pretend this was a scientific debate or anything like that.
Someone is editing all the US state slogans on wikipedia and it's amazing 28 comments
· 8 years ago
Yep. If you can read, that is. Then you would have read I actually QUOTED what HE said.
Edited 8 years ago
Someone is editing all the US state slogans on wikipedia and it's amazing 28 comments
· 8 years ago
You need an @ to figure out if someone adresses you? You a little special?
BLM 48 comments
· 8 years ago
Funny enough neither of you challenged a single fact I stated. Wonder why.
Enough internet for today! 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Then what about "life hacks"? I'd like to rephrase: Any means of entering a system and/or using it other than intended is a form of hacking.
Who wore it better? 10 comments
· 8 years ago
She even looks extremely replaceable, not like a person, more like a stock photo.
This is my unpopular opinion. 26 comments
· 8 years ago
Got any of those to falsify my anecdotal experience? Also there are a LOT more studies indicating a number of gaps between men and and women than there are studies backing the opinion these gaps wer gone or never existed.
BLM 48 comments
· 8 years ago
"just how is this "huge minority so obviously disadvantaged"? Over represented in jail and morgue, underrepresented in housing, jobs and visible society like culture and media. You seriously want to deny that? Uhm,. what a stupid question, of course you do, being as well programmed in neoconservative rightwing cracker ideology.
BLM 48 comments
· 8 years ago
Ok so in Compton or Black Detroit your white cracker ass is a minority and those zoo animals look at you real majority like. Wow. Til you get home to your white neighborhood to tell those other crackers about your little adventure. You apparently lack the empathy and the fucking basic information of what it means to be member of an underprivileged minority. Whites got the money and the power. 100% of all whites? No. The poor people are becoming the real disadvantaged minority, but only in a way that now a few more whites could get a grip as to how that really feels. When the hispanics get larger in number than the whites, doesn't mean they get the money and infiuence. Its only getting a little harder for the whites to be in charge. Which is why it should be in the best interest of every white (who is not insanely rich) to fight inequality in a society.
Edited 8 years ago
BLM 48 comments
· 8 years ago
I am pretty, pretty sure you're not black though. Also why is it so "obvious" that white people would be against #blm? I am as white as it gets, and I don't want to live in a society, where a huge minority is so obviously disadvantaged as black people are in america.
Enough internet for today! 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Hacking is _any_ means to get into a system to make it work your way.