User funsubstanceuser Banned

Please stop assuming anyone who believes different than you is stupid 40 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Being not informed well doesn't equal being ignorant. Refusing to gather information is ignorant and stupid at the same time. Not being stupid doesn't equal being smart. Not being smart doesn't equal being stupid.
· Edited 8 years ago
Please stop assuming anyone who believes different than you is stupid 40 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
I don't assume anyone who believes different than me is stupid. I think the ones who are not stupid are probably not informed well enough.
Don't Be Fooled 12 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Oh, there's way enough bullshit directly coming out of his orange utan face in front of millions of witnesses, why would anyone make up shit? In Drumpfs case I'd say: anything anybody said about him has probably actually happened or is likely to happen any minute.
The Wonder Woman trailer looks dope af 18 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Uhm... *sigh*... yes... still: that's all fiction, as in "not actually happening". And the Ghostbusters didn't change genders. In the old movies the parts were written for men and played by men. In the new movie, the parts were written for women and played by women.
The arkham knight logic 6 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Logic in a Superheroe movie? I think there's a really grave misunderstanding here...
For real though 12 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Maybe because you're a pathetic douchebag? And the shtick about you being rich and have dates: we all know it's a sad lie.
The Wonder Woman trailer looks dope af 18 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
So the ghostbusters "are supposed to be" men? You know it was fiction in the first place, right? And to answer your question: that would be Superman, and yes, there appears to be a hype. .
· Edited 8 years ago
Chemistry seems magical 7 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Looks like the chem prof knows his Alexander Shulgin, too
· Edited 8 years ago
For real though 12 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
^totally this. I was that sweet and funny fat kid, and half the girls in my class had a crush on me. Girls are way more tolerant to less than perfect looks than boys.
The Wonder Woman trailer looks dope af 18 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
One trailer features for adult ladies in overalls. One features a young girl in a bathing suit. The comment is just dumb and pointless. Fits the nickname though...
Please stop assuming anyone who believes different than you is stupid 40 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
If you're really interested where those things come from, inform yourself on Evolutionary Psychology. The Wikipedia entry mentions a lot of sources.
· Edited 8 years ago
Dear Apple: pixels can't kill people. 10 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Anyone writing legally significant statements using emojis should see a doctor and eventually be put under tutelage. And anyone who feels this is a big deal should re-evaluate their priorities, and then be happy they have nothing to bother at all.
I mean hey, it's a woman that said it! 38 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Thank you so much, Cartman.
I mean hey, it's a woman that said it! 38 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
The perception and representation of "new" or "third wave feminism" is full of straw man fallacies, made up by people who feel their privileges are threatened already by 1st wave feminists. "Women can drive a car, can show their hair and are not sold for a dozen goats? So apparently all is fine, and now shut up bitch and make me a sandwich.". 1st and 2nd wave feminism have reached quite a lot regarding the general conditions, the things that can be comparably easy regulated by laws. 3rd wave feminism is about details and more complex matters. 3rd or "new" wave feminism is NOT a bunch of shrill man-hating feminazis trying to neuter all men and give exclusive power to women. And they are definitely not trying to put down their foot on women who enjoy being women. So this "Katie" either doesn't know jack shit about feminism or she's a troll putting up a straw man. Not that uncommon theses days.
Loyal dogs 6 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
^so this... last year our older was diagnosed with a tumor in his throat, just a couple weeks to go, we were totally devastated. Turns out it wasn't growing nearly as fast as the vet thought. The dog is still around and doing pretty good, provided he gets a pain med twice a day. But any time he would cough or show anything weird (and dogs do that all the time) it really messes us up. They will all leave you, and sometimes its not going to be nice. You'll eventually have to make really terrible decisions. Its totally worth it though, but its not all just sunshine.
Please stop assuming anyone who believes different than you is stupid 40 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Or maybe his brother Miguel?
So many seizures in a lifetime 48 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Cause it's fun. Remember the name of this site? There's places and circumstances where I try to convince people, but an anonymous meme shack? Yea, well, no.
Please stop assuming anyone who believes different than you is stupid 40 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Well then, who initiated the belief and passed down a good example?
Please stop assuming anyone who believes different than you is stupid 40 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Social control, as the result of evolutionary processes is what keeps us from acting up. Religion is always about the distribution of power: there's a higher being up/down/over there, and we're the ones in charge of telling you what he wants. When the shamans turned to priests, it wasn't just about explaining what's going on any more, it became an ever growing set of rules. The few that are needed for a growing society and the more and more complex ones to distribute power and justify rulership. All religions have developed that way.
So many seizures in a lifetime 48 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
What is wrong with you people? Just google the name mentioned in the meme. Is it too hard cause you can't c/p it? Here: Jayden David - you know, after the typing, look below: lots of links to information of very diverse quality. And that's where the research starts, yours for the taking.
Is the non-psychoactive CBD potenially beneficial for children suffering from hundreds of seizures a day? The info is easily available. Up to your discretion. I'm not going to be the "Best of the interwebs" host for anyone, and I'm sure as hell not trying to convince anyone of anything. If I happen to find anything worth mentioning, I share it. Trying to convince other people, is that really why anyone is here? That would explain a lot...
· Edited 8 years ago
So many seizures in a lifetime 48 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
There are studies, even explicitly on multiple seizures of children. If you're interested, google them, as I don't feel any urge to convince you,
So many seizures in a lifetime 48 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Uhm, no, because you just assumed this was simply anecdotal and there were no studies on medical benefits of cannabis. So you didn't need a study, you needed to google. What does that mark you?
Please stop assuming anyone who believes different than you is stupid 40 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Rest of _what_ world? Hindu and muslim extremists exist.
So many seizures in a lifetime 48 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
You need to double your IQ -->
Please stop assuming anyone who believes different than you is stupid 40 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
The idiocy starts with the idea to compare science and religion. One is a system based on total belief, the other is based on total doubt.