User funsubstanceuser Banned

The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Yea, I let rodents ejaculate into super tiny test tubes and that helps beating cancer and that zika shit. How is that important?
The world in a nutshell 44 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Just saying but I'm pretty sure the man getting beaten and shot at the same time is normally black.
· Edited 8 years ago
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Oh, so you're essentially a tick. FOAD
Pretty much 24 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
That's funny coming from a twisted little boy pretending to be a rich jetsetter.
@pokethebear: a few pubs/bars, public pools, youth clubs, libraries, public transport to get to the next city, places to hang for the not-so-strait kids, holiday programs for low income families, stuff like that. Not everywhere, but widespread.
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
How about most public-private partnerships? Social Services? Penal system? Education? Military? You think you're doing well cause you can afford a fucking Iphone when more people than 10-15 years ago have to struggle for ends meat while corporation profits are rising? Did you wear a bow-tie and a checkered shirt as a kid? Are you still a kid?
Pretty much 24 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
In europe even in the smallest towns there is some form of social culture within reach normally. So yes, I think it's a great place.
· Edited 8 years ago
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
So what you two believe is that minimum wager jobs are "entry jobs" per se? Look those people in the fucking FACE. You'd be surprised...
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
I know you know I am not using the correct term here. I don't mean the neoconservatives you find in Wikipedia. In my book a neocon is someone who is stealing the peoples money and give it to corporations, while pretending this serves a conservative capitalist agenda. Conservative capitalism however cares of people and is trying to avoid social unrest by giving everyone at least a small share of the big pile of wealth white people stole from the rest of the world. Thats not really great, but it's better than what we see today: greedy corporation dodging regulations and taxes and putting a price tag on everyfuckingthing.
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Nope. It would mean that corporations would yield less profit for their shareholders. And this must not happen.
Hypocrisy at it's finest 15 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Depends on the concentration. Up to about 5% alcohol in a beverage isn't that bad. It should not hurt any intact body tissue and it will not dehydrate you. A classic soda otoh usually contain s a lot of crystal sugar (though not more calories than beer) and acidic components, both will definitely hurt your teeth. The long term and especially the combination effects of classic additives (aromas, colorants) are not exactly thoroughly researched. Drinking that stuff in large amounts kind of makes you a lab rat.
2 · Edited 8 years ago
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
The neocon rape - as you bloody well know - has successfully pretended that the private sector can manage vital services "better" than the government. Taxes were lowered a lot to corporations, and and a little to workers and employees. But while the corps make very, very nice profits, everyone else pays higher prices for those vital services. They are paying the cost PLUS the profit, so they have less than before. The real income of most people went down the last 10-15 years, and if you find it acceptable when "just" 1 out of 5 minimum wagers have "reported difficulty making ends meet" I'd say you're part of the problem.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
You mean after the neocons raped all civilized societies and made most of us their bitches, we cannot just simpla turn the wheel around and go the right way? Yeah, you got a point there. And I guess all the non-poor people with their three jobs barely helping them not to die are happy they're not officially living in poverty.
This guy received a gift from his mother in law 11 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
No polished cut, no oblate bottom... hmm... Do a picture search for "glass decanter plug". They _all_ look different from that pic. That's all I'm saying.
Use your own name 11 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Only the two last examples don't replace the word "god" with their name. What the god's that? That's not godding funny. God that.
Pretty much 24 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
I'm not surprised a small town's just the right the place for you. And here's a fun fact: whether you're racist or not, is actually not up to you to decide. Same as being sexy or being an asshole.
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Because of those neocon victims who got told that even mentioning the word "minimum wage" means lazy people want to steal their property, well, technically, their parents... I don't live in the US but I think to lead a decent live from $15/h you'd have to go pretty rural. But from $7,25? A full time job should pay for a full time life, no matter if you're flipping burgers or scratching shit stains out of toilet bowls. Jobs that take a higher qualification and bear higher responsibility should pay off much better. In times before PPP in vitally important sectors and before a total commercialization of literally all life sectors, that was more or less common sense for anyone but millionaires. But all that communist talk alone might bring todays corporate profits down, so in a happy, brainwashed, privileged place like this, it's getting downvoted.
5 · Edited 8 years ago
Men in uniform 9 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Wiener padding on a bike? Hm...
Men in uniform 9 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Uhm... being a hetero man I'm not as sexually challenged by that, but can't help staring at it, so maybe it's just me: I think that looks like the worlds largest butt boil.
His front pack is also a bit intimidating...
3 · Edited 8 years ago
Example of a good religious joke 5 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
A (traditional) buddhist would rather avoid reincarnation, so that buddhist friend wasn't really trying hard too hard. A sloppy buddhist, you could say.
How to spot inseparable friends 6 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Hm, not bad what why not photos of themselves? Also there's so much better bromances, like in Scrubs.
Sticky note left by intern 11 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
I'm not assuming anything at all, I just and only referred to what you wrote, especially your last sentence. Excerting authority is not bossing around and vice versa. I don't want to come with this Boss vs. Leader stuff thats around a lot, there'S some truth to that, but its over simpifying things. A positive and necessary side of bossing is to not let anyone in doubt who's making the calls, but also who's carrying responsibility. Bossing around is in my book to make people small and aware you can screw them anytime, with or without reason, just so they know I can.
· Edited 8 years ago
This girl is both very stupid and very rude.. 27 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Its not totally uncommon for men to have another vertical boost in their early 20s.
4 · Edited 8 years ago
Happy toilet paper 8 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
There's a german brand of toilet paper named Happy End. I shit you not...
The perfect answer 28 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
At least it smells of homophobia because there are like a _lot_ of scenarios he could have picked, but 1. he chose this and 2. he avowedly made the entire scenario up, based on the idea that gay people would totally do that to push a gay agenda. The way things are, americans mainly sue for (insane amounts of) money, and it's not at all likely they'd get it from the church.
TST is ok, but too edgy for my taste. I see myself better represented by - I enjoy Marilyn Mansons POV here, but I prefer the Richard Dawkins approach.
· Edited 8 years ago
Sticky note left by intern 11 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
1 & 2 are debatable. 3 is bullshit. Only a total lowlife bosses around interns, or anyone for that matter. Bossing people around at the job is generally a sign of a weak character and the absence of any authority. An internship should serve the intern to find out whether s/he likes the job and is capable of doing it. Same for the company: they will need fresh blood some day, so an internship is for them to find out if a person fits in. Unless it's the sort of "internship" that's just abusing young people to work for free as long as they accept it. I make hiring decisions in my job, and I'd probably not hire someone who went thru 4 or 5 unpaid internships to "get merits". We got no use for doormats.