User funsubstanceuser Banned

That boy's eyebrows are on fleek af 8 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Genderfluid Chuckie. Why not?
Poor man buns :( 3 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Not as long as Tony the Tiger is giving a bad example in tolerance.
· Edited 8 years ago
funsubstance 11 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Wrong dat. When people stop getting offended, all the fun would be gone for the "wreckless supporters of free speech" or what those just-for-the-heck-of-it bullies call themselves today.
Jokes on them 27 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
which is also true for kids "turning out as" heterosexual
Free speech 10 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
It's actually rather well documented that Churchill said that in 1943 in a speech at the House of Commons.
Jokes on them 27 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Hey guys, the 1950s called and want their funny ideas back of how gay/lesbian children are "made".
5 · Edited 8 years ago
Jon Snow tries to be smooth but he can't wink 7 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Being a heterosexual man, I still get it how people find Kit Harington really cute. But he's such a terrible actor, it's ridiculous. Even his british accent sounds super fake, notwithstanding the fact he IS actually british...
· Edited 8 years ago
Scariest film 12 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
These effects are not very special...
Racism 36 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
@chakun - "Well, that's pretty Orwellian." - what exactly is "orwellian" here? Wikipedia defines "Orwellian" as "an attitude [...] of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past". When we talk about "unlearning", we're talking about reflecting our own mindset to find out whether we make decisions and develop an attitude based on facts or on stereotypes.
Racism 36 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Why would black people not show anti-black racism? People are never just one thing (i.e. black) they are all a part of society. In a society where black people are widely portrayed as violent thugs, of course black people will adopt this stereotype. And as all people trust their judgement, I'd place a good bet on your black friends being more likely to disbelieve the study.
I blame the media 26 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Yea, I can imagine you're hoping for a stimulating debate, problem is though that conversations with you only stimulate my bowel movements, so I'll pass.
I blame the media 26 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
" I do not blindly accept what ANY news source says" -There's some truth to that: actually you act like Bill O'Reillys sock puppet, who is definitely not a news source. If the "western media in general" does what you say they're doing, how about one (1) example?
When you complain media would "refuse to even equate terrorism with Islam" then you do, don't you? So in your opinion islam = terrorism, no? How does this NOT make every muslim a terrorist?
The idea that people really blame actions like shooting on inanimate objects like guns isn't even a strawman fallacy cause that would do the mental capacities of a strawman wrong.
It's really rich to see you talking about logical fallacies.
I blame the media 26 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Super funny how guestwho is ranting on "the media" when all he does is spread FOX News bullshit. How many muslims are living in the USA and in Europe and how many of those are terrorists? How does terrorism "equate" to islam? That would mean every muslim is a terrorist, which quite apparently is not true. What exactly does "bending down to sharia" mean? Certainly not prohibiting burkas and burkinis in france, or not equating islam and christianity in the USA and europe. And to Orlando: actually it was Trump and the NRA who used the tragic events in Orlando to try and push their own agenda, when it was quite apparent that this Omar Mateen guy was a troubled bigot and had no connection to ISIS other than his claims. And what media would deny that muslim terrorists are muslims? Its the muslim communities that beg to differ, same as most churches don't want to get mixed up with WBC supporters.
Grass give horses the fast 7 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Michael Phelps might wanna beg to differ...
Rip sjw 15 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Are you triggered?
Rip sjw 15 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
The most triggered persons you can see across the net are those who feel triggered by people that don't fit their narrow and child-like view of the world. People who get obsessed to a point where they fantasize about violent acts against those triggering persons should seek help.
That's Hardcore 9 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
So user "giggles09" is posting a guy burning himself on a page named "FUNsubstance" and user adolfhitler1945" gets sentimenal feelings recalling pre-war south vietmnam? Yeah, of course...
Pretty much 24 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Yes it does. So? [x] exceptions, exist - that's actually not really a mind-blowing fact. There's actually large areas in east germany where most small towns are like the list above is suggesting. Thus the "Not everywhere, but widespread."
· Edited 8 years ago
How rich 5 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
His first boner with his pants on?
Life 45 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Should be Mazedonia, they have about a third muslims, a pretty fucked up government supply system and a running application to become an EU member.
The world in a nutshell 44 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Really? Didn't look too black to me, but when you say so, maybe you got blackdar. Then the sniper could also be black, so everything is fine again. Minds collapsed...
· Edited 8 years ago
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Its going to be crowdfunded and its going to be nonprofit. See? You feel these shocks even without an app, just by reading those naughty, naughty words.
The world in a nutshell 44 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Did you fall on your head on a regular base when you were a kid? And to answer your question: no., in no way, and why the fuck would you think that? I was mocking the potatohead for trying to bring historic accuracy into a cartoon drawing.
· Edited 8 years ago
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Dude, that would have been at least two hefty shocks from that app.
· Edited 8 years ago
The value of the work you do 59 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
You. Are. A. True. Idiot. What you're actually helping with is creating profits on services that are so vital for people, they should be provided for by non-profit utilities by all means. Making it subject to profit based considerations can only be bad for the people in need of these services and is a total obscenity and a malignant tumor in the very back bone of this society.
Actually, I'm not jerking off mice and rats. At least not for a living. I am developing phone apps that help investment bankers cope with their conscience by giving them electric shocks whenever they type phrases like "inevitable hardship" or "make it rain", you get the drift.
· Edited 8 years ago