User funsubstanceuser Banned
People forget. 42 comments
· 8 years ago
Earn it by not talking trash like the stereotype stoner kid in a b-movie.
What do you wanna call 'em? Butterflies? 20 comments
· 8 years ago
"pretty much every single person who has obesity has caused it themselves" - Science agrees on at least 50% genetics. So you either have super bad sources or just pulled that out of your derrière.
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
· 8 years ago
"But as long as you're deciding for an entire country while knowing nothing about what your decisions even mean, we might have a bit of a problem..."
Yeah, and not all problems can be solved. Groups interested in letting stupid people vote would fight your idea by all means. So your idea could not be executed without totalitarian measures, and pop goes democracy. Classic Catch 22. Sounds like a prequel to Minority Report or Blade Runner anyway.
I think you're a very smart person, but that you really haven't seen shit. Idiots rule idiots, and you can only make a tiny bit of difference locally. Anything above this level you need to be part of the game. Or a spoilt, rich narcissist with the attention span and mental abilities of a crack baby.
Edited 8 years ago
Yeah, and not all problems can be solved. Groups interested in letting stupid people vote would fight your idea by all means. So your idea could not be executed without totalitarian measures, and pop goes democracy. Classic Catch 22. Sounds like a prequel to Minority Report or Blade Runner anyway.
I think you're a very smart person, but that you really haven't seen shit. Idiots rule idiots, and you can only make a tiny bit of difference locally. Anything above this level you need to be part of the game. Or a spoilt, rich narcissist with the attention span and mental abilities of a crack baby.
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
· 8 years ago
"It's funny because people from Eastern Europe hardly enjoy the idea of non-democracy since they were enslaved by communism, so your idea of them being anti-democracy is off. " - Oh really? Russia? Hungary? Croatia? Poland? From allegedly left totalitarianism to definitely right. You mentioned Turkey yourself: also a society with very little experience in free elections and democracy. Half the voters practically agreed with ending democracy. Cause, like in eastern europe, as well as in eastern germany, a _lot_ of people are disappointed with democracy cause it turned out not to be a magic wand that would fix all problems. In most of western europe, generations have experienced a relatively continuous change from post-war austerity to a nearly state of a general freedom of choice, and still not so many people want to loose that, even though the number is growing.
People forget. 42 comments
· 8 years ago
"you only have rights as long as you are allowed" - ""rights" are given by your government just as privileges are"
yea, you're just the right person to call anyone a buffoon. Next time try a book with words in it.
Edited 8 years ago
yea, you're just the right person to call anyone a buffoon. Next time try a book with words in it.
What do you wanna call 'em? Butterflies? 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Yea, I get your non-factual approach where you just make shit up to back up your opinion. You should run for president,.
What do you wanna call 'em? Butterflies? 20 comments
· 8 years ago
"pretty much every single person who has obesity has caused it themselves" - well, absolutely not. Most twin studies conclude a 60-70% genetic dispostion for obesity. Most studies in total conclude 50% or more. Most eating disorders also have a very strong psychological component as well. So calling obese people fat will most likely cause them to eat more. Super helpful, innit?
Edited 8 years ago
People forget. 42 comments
· 8 years ago
You surely come across pretty offended. Or to put it more compatible with the place here: butthurt. But as long as you are ok with him saying anything he wants, that's fine.
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
· 8 years ago
I asked because I thought you don't sound like someone who really enjoys democracy. Democracy has a major flaw, which you have realized: you have to take the stupid people into account. Problem is: you have to live with it or you will have to give up the idea of democracy. Whatever you are describing has nothing to do with democracy or an open society. There would be groups of people in the end to decide who's worthy and who isn't. And at the end of that road there are concentration camps and mass graves. Or maybe the Soylent Company.
People forget. 42 comments
· 8 years ago
A right is what you and/or your ancestors have fought for. A privilege is what some nice uncle gave you. The right to free speech has been fought for globally. How can you not get the difference?
needmorec4: you'd like to restrict different opinions by how much they piss you off? Or should we call it "offend"? Are you triggered?
needmorec4: you'd like to restrict different opinions by how much they piss you off? Or should we call it "offend"? Are you triggered?
People forget. 42 comments
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
People forget. 42 comments
· 8 years ago
He has different opinions than you have and is not shy in stating them. And not by anonymously spitting venom on a meme shack in the interwebs but as a human being in public. How severely screwed up.
You'd really like it in North Korea, I am soo sure.
You'd really like it in North Korea, I am soo sure.
People forget. 42 comments
· 8 years ago
If it's his rights, why wouldn't he take them for granted? And how about leaving it to the veterans? Not so few in his defence actually. One of many:
Edited 8 years ago
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
· 8 years ago
"stupid is interchangeable with uneducated in common parlance. " - Nope. Like totally not.
And who will decide what people must know in order to vote? Who will test it? Will there be a scale from 1-10? Your idea is fascism pure. The idea of democracy is to bear with the idiots. You have the right to call them idiots, but not the right to feel superior to them and decide on their behalf. I get why you want that, but its fascism, so its a no-go. It will end in extermination of lesser valued life, one way or the other.
And who will decide what people must know in order to vote? Who will test it? Will there be a scale from 1-10? Your idea is fascism pure. The idea of democracy is to bear with the idiots. You have the right to call them idiots, but not the right to feel superior to them and decide on their behalf. I get why you want that, but its fascism, so its a no-go. It will end in extermination of lesser valued life, one way or the other.
He Wasn't The Most Innocent Person In The World 86 comments
· 8 years ago
The idea of keeping "less intelligent" people from making political decisions, or even just making their vote count less, is plain fascism. You should not confuse IQ with education, and keep in mind that the question what defines intelligence is highly debatable. There is emotional intelligence and empathy which is NOT tested with most IQ tests even though they're essential skills. There is a large number of CEO who just come from the right family, so they have the right manners and the right formal education, not because they are more capable of anything than the average garbageman. How many really bright people are there on a board of directors? There are more and more so-called "underachievers" who make a willful decision not to follow a CEO career even though they have what it takes, just because they don't want to support a religious system where turnover and profit are the new gods and persons and individuality don't count shit. I bet your "test" would weed those out too.
Time out bottles 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Great idea. Not dealing with their shit and ignoring their temper will turn children into emotional zombies who pretend everything's cool all the time until they really snap. But nah, as if this would ever happen.
This makes sense 34 comments
· 8 years ago
You're sort of a moral compass. When I piss you off, I'm on my way.
Edited 8 years ago
This makes sense 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Everything is a problem for the person who has it. But when there's only like a few cases a year, it's NOT a problem for society and we shouldn't pretend it was. Like people claiming to be genderfluid, misandry or black->white racism. All of that does exist, but none of it is a real problem.
Edited 8 years ago
Now she's gonna ammonia 11 comments
An honest miSTEAK 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Really, whats the problem with horse meat? Its super delish and kind of sustainable because the meat of older horses actually tastes better than from younger. Plus they probably live a much better life than most other animals we like to eat.
A valid point.. 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Rugby players have roughly twice the injury rate. Real men are probably not that smart.
Just German things 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, that's why we butchered all those jews and queers: supposedly funny guys, but we never got their jokes.
Listen to me! 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Spongegar is 2016s doge. Super annoying and everywhere.
Edited 8 years ago
A valid point.. 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Yea, rugby is for real men, without all that protective gear the American Football players wear.