User funsubstanceuser Banned

2016: a summary 10 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Nobody ever said so. My theory is that this year is caused by all those idiots saying it couldn't get any worse. Well, it can.
BTW: every single mentioning of clowns will make one more person consider buying a fucking clowns costume and scare the shit out of someone. So all you people who are uncomfortable with clowns: just stfu.
The case is now closed 26 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Birds descended from reptiles. That is, if you "believe" in evolution. Otherwise ask god.
The case is now closed 26 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
How exactly is that a "false" claim? It's not 100% accurate as it is quite abridged, but it's surely not false.
This is why you shouldn't send unsolicited d*ck pics. Especially if you're a minor. 16 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Sending it to one receiver is distribution. When that revceiver is a minor, that's worse. However, her holding and distributing the pics, plus blackmailing the boys should get her into pretty severe trouble as well, I call this story disjointed from facts. Or iow bullshit.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
Foxes are just misunderstood creatures 28 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Insufficient fencing. Easy as that.
Personality 4 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
It's great how she set her two "personalties" in scene.
Foxes are just misunderstood creatures 28 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
It's really easy to keep them out. I grew up in a rural area with many foxes and a lot of feral cats in the very neighborhood, and nearly all neighbors had henhouses and hutches. Shutting them at night and lining up any opening with mesh wire was basically all it took.
Foxes are just misunderstood creatures 28 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
It actually takes only a few generations to breed foxes into pets. This guy did it in the 1950's It was kind of an accident, but it gave great impulses both to behavioral scientists and geneticists.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
This is why we teach math in school 7 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Barney might be _very_ surprised when he's been coming for real the first time...
i see y'all have a death wish 9 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
God bless America 10 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
That's what cheap cocaine and a lot of beach bars can do to a man.
· Edited 8 years ago
f*cking clowns man 6 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Uhm... actually to shag means to fuck.
"Norimitsu Odachi" The biggest sword. It was wielded by a huge 8ft samurai 13 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Really not trying to be a dick here, just showing you how great google is:
google "8 foot"...
If you're accessing google from the us though you might get foot to yard, takes another mouseclick to convert to metres.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
Needless to say I will not be having sex 8 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
This is not exactly a new idea. And it works.
Ali Wong on Pinterest 14 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Mens tattoos?
Needless to say I will not be having sex 8 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
DJ Drumpf does classic zingers from the 50's
· Edited 8 years ago
Really cool initiative 15 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
"I have empathy, but"... yea, right. so people who want to make you aware of a problem you're obviously not aware of (and why should you, doesn't concern you, right) are "screwing" you? By what, forcing you to walk (!!!) a few metres more? Terrorists is what they are, right?
Really cool initiative 15 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
It's probably not an attempt to solve a problem, but to make people aware of it. As apparently a LOT of people are not.
Really cool initiative 15 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
That's really interesting, as it sort of displays your personality. You seem to feel like the centre of the universe and are probably completely incapable of empathy.
Does this break the internet? 67 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
aaand happened again. Bzzzz Bzzz
Does this break the internet? 67 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
I coudn't care less when a handful of pale, butthurt fratboys and -girls thinks I'm a douche. I just find it worth mentioning that this _often_ happens just minutes after I post something. And it's not like dozens of down votes, just a few. And _mainly_ during american day and evening times, not europeans. Just sayin'... so what about "most" people? Most out of what?
And what about Shaun King? Really curious what your point is here...
· Edited 8 years ago
Does this break the internet? 67 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
This is rich: posted a moment ago and down voted already. Boy, do I stir up a WASPs nest here...
Does this break the internet? 67 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
I don't see you as representing anyone. Only some butthurt white kids, afraid for their white privilege, kind of seemed to do so. Don't you remember? And can you see how you're kind of proving my point here? I guess not...
So, again, who exactly are these "BLM leaders" who sanction/encourage "Rioting, looting, threatening and attacking whites and cops, disrupting political rallies and at least one gay pride event, and demanding that society be restructured to cater to blacks"?
This will probably be another question you choose not to answer, in this thread alone.
· Edited 8 years ago
Does this break the internet? 67 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
"All of this is also sanctioned/ encouraged by BLM leaders. " - This is a blatant lie. Definbe "leader". Same way as you represent the opinion of non-whites?
Toys have no gender! Except sex toys.. 19 comments
funsubstanceuser · 8 years ago
Yea, but what about the fleshlight though? I mean the point of fingerbanging is kinda the vagina-owners reaction, right?
1 · Edited 8 years ago