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Yooo Funsubsters


Can you spot the tree viking? Hidden Funsubsters

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Hey look, me again! Funsubsters

Hey look, me again!

Made some sweet sour chicken. Didn’t mix the sauce yet cuz I like them crunch Funsubsters

Made some sweet sour chicken. Didn’t mix the sauce yet cuz I like them crunch

Meet Pepperoni! The newest and smolest addition to the family! Hidden Funsubsters

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Not just Round 4, it's the 4th of four scheduled. Next, the maintenance phase. Hidden Funsubsters

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Back home with my parents for a few days Funsubsters

Back home with my parents for a few days

Hiking, like always :) Funsubsters

Hiking, like always :)

Just your german dorks Hidden Funsubsters

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Decided to make some. Yum! Funsubsters

Decided to make some. Yum!