

— fyukkk Report User
Well, you're not wrong 31 comments
fyukkk · 7 years ago
Alright guys, I don't really care about the specific effect of each drug, or the psychology of drug users. Like I said before, I came here only to provide an explanation for the difference in sentence. Secondly, you guys are talking about specific drugs and a small group of people. Thridly, different places have different laws regarding drugs e.g. some places allow weed. At this point I don't know if you guys are trying to disprove me or discussing about special cases. Either way, this is a matter of law, outside the scope of my judgement. It doesn't matter whether meth and cocaine is good for you, that's just how the government thinks. Peace out. I'm unfollowinng this thread.
Well, you're not wrong 31 comments
fyukkk · 7 years ago
Guys, just read the materials that are available to you. There's nothing more to say. I'm just providing explanation why drug dealing carries a heavier punishment than rape. If you think that all the previous studies are wrong than your beef is with them. I'm not here to argue or to proof anyone wrong or whatever. Just read them, seriously. That's all I can say.
Also @yimmye, people deliberately take drugs and continues to do so. They don't accidentally ingest some drugs then accidentally buy more then accidentally get addicted. But I agree with the legalization of drugs. But that's up to the government to decide. I remember one country that did it successfully. Anyway that's not relevant to the subject.
· Edited 7 years ago
Well, you're not wrong 31 comments
fyukkk · 7 years ago
Do you guys seriously need citations for something that would be considered general knowledge? Are we now arguing about how to argue? As to why I asked for evidence is because I cannot find any myself. Whereas my claims are easily proved even from memory alone. I'll provide the evidence you if can provide yours. Specifically, every single point I made. This is in response to the statement "is a broad claim and [entirely false]."
Well, you're not wrong 31 comments
fyukkk · 7 years ago
As far as I know we are not talking about any specific drug. My claim is entirely false? Therefore you are saying that not a single drug in existence has caused a decrease in productivity, or an increase in crime. Obviously you have not idea what you're talking about. You better provide a shit load of hard evidence to disproof the huge amount of evidence that already back up my claim. And please don't say things like "citations needed" when you can just google it yourself.
Well, you're not wrong 31 comments
fyukkk · 7 years ago
Firstly, the post specifically talks about drug dealing.
Secondly, possession of drugs means either abusing drugs or dealing drugs. Both of which are detrimental to society in the eyes of government because it leads to unproductive workers and increase in crime etc. Also the punitive for those 2 are usually different. At least in some countries.
Thirdly, what Britain did is intentional, and so is drug dealing and possession. People don't accidentally get addicted to drugs. I don't even see what point you're trying to make with that statement.
2 · Edited 7 years ago
Well, you're not wrong 31 comments
fyukkk · 7 years ago
That's because they see drug dealing as a threat to the stability of society. Remember what Brittan did to China?
An unbalanced war 15 comments
fyukkk · 7 years ago
Notice how the fat guy has a sturdier stance while the skinny guy has a horrible stance. With a good stance and sufficient strength, it would be much harder to knock him down.
Sounds Familiar 8 comments
fyukkk · 8 years ago
But I hate it when they ask common question like that. I'm a boring guy, the only thing I did today is the same shit I do everyday. Same for every other "what do you work as", "what are you doing here" etc...
Some people take obsession to the next level 26 comments
fyukkk · 10 years ago
Like something you'd see in a horror movie...
Hold on partner! 11 comments
fyukkk · 11 years ago
Not sure if trying to make joke or misspelled "duct" as "duck".
This is why I have funsubstance 5 comments
fyukkk · 11 years ago
Thats right. We're all potatoes. Potatoes don't have friends
Did you know? 19 comments
fyukkk · 11 years ago
Omg this is awesome! Thanks :D
A really smart kid 6 comments
fyukkk · 11 years ago
Most appropriate use of science bitch ever!!
Best daughter 5 comments
fyukkk · 11 years ago
It always surprises me when I clear my wallet.
Remember every like counts. 50 comments
fyukkk · 12 years ago
Nothing is too harsh when humor is concerned :D come on, it's just a joke ;)
I cant say i have 5 comments
fyukkk · 12 years ago
I think that might be the juice that's bursting out from his nuts.