According to most recent polls 4 comments
· 8 years ago
I thought I saw the Avatar in the lower left, but then it was gone
He's So Delighted 1 comments
Happens all the time 4 comments
My record on the pacer is like 62 45 comments
I must be really smart 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Scientist: There might be a connection between lack of sleep and creativity
Media: ...
Media: Never Sleeping Makes you a Master Artist
Scientist: No Why does the media blow things out of proportion?
Media: ...
Media: Scientist Can Now Create Mass by Speaking
Media: ...
Media: Never Sleeping Makes you a Master Artist
Scientist: No Why does the media blow things out of proportion?
Media: ...
Media: Scientist Can Now Create Mass by Speaking
Good Guy PewDiePie 18 comments
· 8 years ago
According to Youtube Statistics he makes an average of $1 million a month
Gamer girls 9 comments
· 8 years ago
A lot of people play games because they don't feel accepted enough to be in public, So naturally going to a convention is not going to happen
All Rights Begin With a Fight 26 comments
· 8 years ago
I think its stupid for a someone getting as old or as hated as her not to carry a weapon
You're A Wizard, Peter 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Anyone else reading the Isolation fanfic about Hermione and Draco?
Edited 8 years ago
Good Guy PewDiePie 18 comments
· 8 years ago
makes 10 million dollars per year
donates $100 dollars a year telling his fans to donate thousands.
Good guy?
donates $100 dollars a year telling his fans to donate thousands.
Good guy?
That's not even my gender! 45 comments
· 8 years ago
One of my acquaintances is trans, and he is decent. He is still a female, but I call her 'him' because she asked me too. It doesn't change how I live so why should I care?
This is kinda stupid... 69 comments
· 8 years ago
Not to mention that the only reason America is a country is because basically every town was able to defend itself with the militia