mental health has fucked me over, and my friends made me realize some of the relationships i had on this website were massively fucked up. might return one day.
— Wolfengär Report User
*removes gloves* 14 comments
· 8 years ago
American society 48 comments
· 8 years ago
(You know you don't have to tag me? This is my post)
And that's a really sad video. :( Why would people fight like that? Why is the police so violent? What started this entire thing?
And that's a really sad video. :( Why would people fight like that? Why is the police so violent? What started this entire thing?
I will stop at no barrier to prove my point! 6 comments
Actually, there are four kinds of people 13 comments
Like multi-player dreaming 27 comments
American society 48 comments
Beautiful "Hercules" cosplay 261 comments
Beautiful "Hercules" cosplay 261 comments
Robot has a lifehack 4 comments
Tiny gentleman 24 comments
· 8 years ago
*looks you in the eye*
*puts niece in front of TV*
Watch it, brother-spawn. Become strong.
*puts niece in front of TV*
Watch it, brother-spawn. Become strong.
American society 48 comments