Banned in America 73 comments
· 11 years ago
But apparently swallowing bullets is not of their concern.
Banned in America 73 comments
· 11 years ago
I believe in gun rights fully, but consider this. When the constitution was written, throughout the USA, witchcraft was considered fact. They also believed in white male supremacy. AND, the constitution can be changed anytime, so in turn owning a gun is not a solid RIGHT, rather a PRIVILEGE that was written with a quill 250 years ago.
Tumblr gets vicious 28 comments
Deteriorating leaf 2 comments
too lazy to log into alter-ego 5 comments
Just beat it 42 comments
· 11 years ago
The world is changing. Children who work for electronic devices should be allowed them. The world is shifting into the digital age, and schools are also starting to provide laptops for children. Just because you didnt have that oppurtunity as a child, dosent mean your child should be rid of it.
Wouldn't want that to happen 21 comments
· 11 years ago
No. It's not exactly the same principle. But anyways the real reason that kids are being treated this way are psycho ass parents. The type who sur little league when coach makes the kids run laps. They think their kids are fucking holy.
What would you do? 9 comments
These guys just earned some bonus respect 29 comments
I want to help my fellow citizens 12 comments
· 11 years ago
I agree. But in a hypothetical situation where guns were never invented think how many tragedies would have been avoided.