Tis the season. Part III 7 comments
· 7 years ago
It's still Halloween ya dingus
That's why I love anime 11 comments
Get your priorities straight 7 comments
They aren't even trying anymore 19 comments
They aren't even trying anymore 19 comments
· 7 years ago
Those are repeating decimals. It wouldn't be 4/10, it should be 4/9. The other one, I can't figure out.
EDIT: The other is 388/165. Add em together, and the answer is 1384/495
Edited 7 years ago
EDIT: The other is 388/165. Add em together, and the answer is 1384/495
Genius and stupid 6 comments
You can trust me my friend 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Are there diacritics that are supposed to be there? Or a difference in intonation?
I will start answer text messages with those 18 comments
This kid has it all figured out 17 comments
Question of life 11 comments
Thinking about looting? 8 comments
· 7 years ago
When white people do it, it's not called looting, it's called "scavenging for resources"
So, a guy in Key West was waiting for Irma to hit when. . 10 comments
· 7 years ago
It wasn't even Zimmerman's home that was burgled. The neighborhood did have burglaries recently then, but none of them were connected to Martin or Zimmerman
Doofus rick!!! 10 comments
· 7 years ago
They didn't happen, but isn't there a chance that Jerry really wanted it to happen?