

The king of frost.

— GeluRegis Report User
The rest of the world in the hunger games 4 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
So what happened to the places that weren't waterworlded? America doesn't have the highest elevation.
5 · Edited 7 years ago
Muscle memory is a b*tch 3 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
"Do you want to hold her?"
*fuckin deadlifts that baby*
Don't cry over dead milk 5 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Still, I feel like something as perishable as milk shouldn't be used for something like jewelry...
GhostBusting 6 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
"Aw shit, it's the KKK"
Women power! 8 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
She's got chronic back pain, probably
Troll level over 9 bizillion 4 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Trying to stir up tensions, probably
SJW Logic 31 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Just going up to a random person on the street, buying groceries or whatever, and paying them a compliment?
SJW Logic 31 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
What kinda world do we live in that dating starts by walking up to a random person and flirting with them? Maybe if you were in a club or a bar, but in everyday life? I doubt that girl wants to flirt or be flirted with unless she knows that person well enough, or if there's at least reasonable context for it.
2 · Edited 7 years ago
SJW Logic 31 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
I don't want a rando to walk up to me and start flirting. If it was a friend, sure, but if I haven't even seen your face before, then I'd want them to fuck off. And I definitely would not want to start a conversation with a random person either.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Ok whatever take this instead (cook) 20 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
People have their reasons, especially if this is America. That money could pay for college tuition, food expenses, healthcare, gas, or even mortgage and utilities.
· Edited 7 years ago
SJW Logic 31 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
I mean, on any day, I'd get pretty annoyed if some random person tried to talk to me. Most people wouldn't compliment a guy's appearance out of the blue, especially a stranger.
It's a miracle 9 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
If they're keeping it in the basement rather than depositing it, there's something sketchy going on.
‘Space available for title’ 3 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
The politician doesn't want to walk back. Then he'd be with the common people again, subject to the same standards that anyone would be.
Oink strength 1000 7 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Tastes like man musk and beef
SJW Logic 31 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
I call the sun a bitch every day, specially if he shows his dumb face while I'm driving. It's too hot outside, even in the midst of fall
You can't mess with BATMAN 4 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
You forgot about Scrooge McDuck
Think globally, f*ck locally 8 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Not killed, they'll just say that you "went on a long vacation" or "disappeared mysteriously" or "commited suicide".
You can't mess with BATMAN 4 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Heck, T'Challa's hot, I'd be okay with that
Think globally, f*ck locally 8 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
You try telling everyone that they have to drop their tradition and religion and integrate. Not only will they not listen, but if you're in America, you'll get called a communist and you'll be put on a government watch list.
I can now legally... vote! 44 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
You're an adult at 18, but some things aren't legal til 21
New South Park game is great 7 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Git gud
Better get to cover 13 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Completely antibiotic resistant bacteria from an ancient cave that we've recently discovered... If this were a movie, that would be a flag.
Why don't you do it 10 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Hopefully they'd be able to record from lifeboats this time, unless there aren't enough for the sake of cutting costs again.
Should’ve gone trick or treating, kiddos! 16 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Definitely, 'cept she got arrested and who knows what could happen then.