Calls for a tender hand 30 comments
· 7 years ago
The question is whether or not this kid is involved with anyone else. Plenty of people have bondage gear and use it themselves without anyone else.
Has it changed much? 49 comments
· 7 years ago
'Cept companies are raising prices anyway, even when people can't afford stuff. Y'know how millennials are "killing" off so many industries? That's partly why. Minimum wage can't afford those things anymore. Even department stores are beginning to die out. And prices don't get lowered.
Pickup line backfires 12 comments
Prayer works 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Just like how he made two fish feed many, he can turn an 8 count box into a 12 count box
A hero amongst us 16 comments
· 7 years ago
I run into conservative christians on a day to day basis. Statistically, it would be them.
Revenge 74 comments
· 7 years ago
Poisonous ideology? Taking revenge on your rapist? Sure, it's not the best thing to do, but if there's anything that'll strike fear into the hearts of rapists, it's that.
I'm bloody back! 33 comments
Desperately want 19 comments
· 7 years ago
Too many needles, a good synthetic tree that can sit in the attic is good enough for me
Why do bad guys get rewarded? 27 comments
· 7 years ago
The emotional rock thing is the problem. People aren't rocks. They aren't rooted to the ground in such a way that you can lean as many things as you want on them. People end up tipping over.
Why do bad guys get rewarded? 27 comments
You know what 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Well, shit, it's not like I'm gonna eat a cup of cocoa powder by itself whenever I eat chocolate cake.
Get your shit together, Voldemort 3 comments
· 7 years ago
To be fair, he did take over the high school. Not for very long, but he did manage to take it over, along with a good bit of the wizarding world.
Trending news in 2017. 11 comments
· 7 years ago
"Sir, you've been in a coma for 2 years."
"Oh boy, I can't wait to see my favorite scented candle factory. Oh, wait, what's that smell?"
"Oh boy, I can't wait to see my favorite scented candle factory. Oh, wait, what's that smell?"
Eat the rich! 10 comments
· 7 years ago
It's probably referring to the internet cable infrastructure, but I don't know much about any incidents that happened there.