I'm long like a shrimp 10 comments
· 7 years ago
A gigantic isopod?
Horror or Comedy? 12 comments
· 7 years ago
I'd think that the purpose would be that, if they caught you attempting to commit suicide, they could arrest you on the spot.
Horror or Comedy? 12 comments
Killing poachers to save rhinos 13 comments
Not the milk! 9 comments
I want 54 of them 7 comments
I want 54 of them 7 comments
So you find it offensive? 13 comments
Science b*tch! 19 comments
Cartoon characters as humans 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, they were more attractive as lions. If you're gonna make a human version, they should be equally buff and strong as the original.
Let there be... Nice guys 14 comments
· 7 years ago
And it's likely that none of them will get what they want in the end, and it's best to accept that you're likely not going to get your shot before you actually ask.
Tell me what I wanna hear 30 comments
· 7 years ago
Here, I'll link the tweet if you're gonna get into semantics.
"Wetter than an Otters Pocket" killed me xD 22 comments
Tell me what I wanna hear 30 comments
What a great drug 33 comments
· 7 years ago
Sure, and their children are gonna be real healthy when the population gets low enough that they have to interbreed. Because only the strongest will survive. The genepool's gonna get real shallow.
What a great drug 33 comments