

The king of frost.

— GeluRegis Report User
Some people waste their money for dumb stuff, but you'll complain about those who 13 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
The problem isn't exactly about who and who isn't giving, it's that there isn't enough. A person who is worth 1 million can give literally everything, and would not be anything. They can only give 1 million. The cost of 100 new iPhones is nothing more than 74900 dollars. It doesn't matter how many average individuals give if that total isn't substantial enough. We've seen billionaires shell out hundreds of millions to rebuild the Notre Dame, and they are still far from destitute. They didn't have to change their lifestyle. They didn't have to feed on nothing but rice and beans. They're still on private jets, drinking champagne like water and caviar like candy. They have so much money that they couldn't hope to spend it within their single lifetime.
Some people waste their money for dumb stuff, but you'll complain about those who 13 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
Do you imply that the Notre Dame is more valuable to our society than the Earth itself? Though, it's not as if those who donated to the Notre Dame couldn't also donate to fixing the planet we live on. There's a number of people who are worth hundreds of billions of dollars, many of them shelling out mere hundreds of millions towards the reconstruction. A billion out of hundreds of billions is a small price to pay for the future of the world itself.
Some people waste their money for dumb stuff, but you'll complain about those who 13 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
The majority of the money wasn't donated by average individuals. It was by billionaires, people of immense wealth that could make any amount of money move with a snap of their fingers. No matter how much an average individual may donate, it would be nothing compared to what the extremely wealthy could do.
That's how it goes~ 4 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
Most of the atlus ones aren't too complex, but the recent Final Fantasy and the kingdom hearts series are... not beginner friendly.
Whoops 47 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
It's a bank drive through
It's like God gave me a chance 18 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
Burglar breaks into soldier
Gun Owner: :D
Graphics are good tho 4 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
Trade pieces of paper until you run out of paper and die as a result.
How many mistakes have been made in ignorance 11 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
I love you all 3 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
You're gonna vore them, even though they posted something nice
Heterosexual Holt is such a horndog. 25 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
You right. When a work of porn gets too long, the author runs out of ways to describe the action. Short fic is best.
stone 14 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
It isn't about porn. If you take a single look at any of that guy's other comics, you'd know. He isn't nearly so progressive to make a social commentary on porn.
stone 14 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
It's Stone Toss. Take that as you will.
I'm'a try it 17 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
Even if you haven't played, feel free to hit up a listen on the youtube
I'm'a try it 17 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
The Splatoon 2 and Katamari Soundtracks are the best
I don't need them all 7 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
I only use a sabre to uncap my bottles
Cosmic d*ck energy 1 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
Alternatively, coming in just to give your notice of resignation
Shrek is life 8 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
"It's [Bad character design]"
Yes yes, good job nyc 4 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
There'll be less unvaccinated children if there are also less children in general.
Still had fun times with some of his movies 2 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
Yeah, either him or Scarlett Johansson shoulda gotten the part as Dora.
Harry potter lore 9 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
There was one post where she mentioned that, before the invention of modern plumbing, wizards simply relieved themselves where they stood and vanished the evidence.
Harry potter lore 9 comments
geluregis · 5 years ago
Harry was constantly followed by a hot pink elephant, but it was never brought up in the books because it wasn't relevant to his journey.
OK, OK, OK... Wait,what? 5 comments
geluregis · 6 years ago
They're poisonous. When the thief thinks they've found a purse full of delicious bees and decides to have a snack, they end up dead.
Girls will be girls 5 comments
geluregis · 6 years ago
That guy isn't that chubby either.
If music be the food to my ears. Feed me 5 comments
geluregis · 6 years ago
Two Trucks - Neil Cicierega
I Am Become Christmas - Neil Cicierega
The entirety of the splatoon 2 soundtrack
Dungeons and dragons 11 comments
geluregis · 6 years ago
My dnd chara is a big dicked chaotic neutral half orc druid with a dragonborn bf, I am destined to fuck a true dragon, no matter what the dm says.