I'd like to share with everyone a humongous origami dragon! It's a huge milestone for me 3 comments
· 4 years ago
This guy is using the force for good! 4 comments
The feels bar is open tonight, let your confession be heard by strangers to get a good 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I was so excited that I was going to a different country to do college but now that I’ve already spent like a year here
I hate it. I cant connect with people here. And i just moved cities so idk ANYONE again. Im such a loner. I just hate how hard it is for me to make friends now.
Back home it used to be sooo good. I miss all my friends from my home country. And im not even going to visit my home country anytime soon bcuz the tickets cost a fortune
im just trying to survive this phase ugh its sooo hard
I hate it. I cant connect with people here. And i just moved cities so idk ANYONE again. Im such a loner. I just hate how hard it is for me to make friends now.
Back home it used to be sooo good. I miss all my friends from my home country. And im not even going to visit my home country anytime soon bcuz the tickets cost a fortune
im just trying to survive this phase ugh its sooo hard
Mouth stones 4 comments
Check and mate 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Ok wtf Im a muslim and thats just bullshit bruh lmao dont listen to these shitheads
Black don't crack, but it does pop 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Nahh, I think its actually because a black surface absorbs radiations faster than any other colored surface