

Hey, I'm Gilbonzo Fig-Cheesecake of Radioactive Derps on Instagram, but call me Bonzo. I enjoy long walks on the beach and funkalicious dancing with my homies.

— Gilbonzo Report User
Best gif ever!! 35 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
"And that's how I met your mother."
It was the worst. 20 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
It's fine, it happened years ago and I actually find it funnier than I should now. :)
It was the worst. 20 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
No, I think they got it from "Elf" (w/ Will Ferrel).
On FS... 92 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
That is also true, but on the Internet, people claim that they are the opposite of the "douchebags" and swaggering teens that they insult, when they can actually be worse. Here, people will hate you if you so much as admit that you like Twilight. I still believe my previous claim to be true. If you don't, that's fine. It's my personal opinion. I just wished to share it.
On FS... 92 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
On the Internet, people always say how cruel and hateful society is, but on the Internet (even on FunSubstance), you will get relentless hateful comments and messages for something as trivial as liking Twilight, or Justin Bieber, or Miley Cyrus, or One Direction. You will get hate for not liking Queen, or any number of other bands, or making a joke that isn't found funny by everyone. People will dislike you for simply stating "I don't really like Harry Potter", or saying that you don't watch Doctor Who. We all know that it doesn't end there. People on the Internet think that it's a wonderful, hate-less, completely accepting place when in reality, these people are possibly even more judgmental and unnecessarily mean than those not on the Internet. It's unfair, and untrue. I completely disagree with the original post, and I have stated my reasons well. If I get hate, it only proves my point further.
The Internet is full if judgmental assholes that don't want to admit that they are.
On FS... 92 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
On the Internet, people aren't judged by their race, gender, sexuality, wealth, or family.
They are judged based on the book/TV/movie series they like, the bands or singers they like, their age, what they eat, how well their education shows, any mistakes or bad decisions they've made, what celebrities they like, who they hang out with, what they do in their free time, what games they play, what they find funny, what they /don't/ find funny, what music they listen to, what authors they like, how they dress, how they speak, how they do certain things differently, religious beliefs, political beliefs, personal opinions, ideas they have, how well they can perform tasks, what videos they like to watch, and punctuation errors.
It was the worst. 20 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
When I was 6, someone called me a 'cotton headed ninny muggins' when I was on the bus. I think I cried.
I have to say Tony Stark 30 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
Girl 2 knows what's up...
When you stub your toe 15 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
I see how /gay porn/ is 'pretty raunchy', or really any porn...
O_O 6 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
It's a good thing that I'm in the bathroom, because I literally just pissed myself laughing.
Oh...The 90s 35 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
Piper, and you aren't.
Oh...The 90s 35 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
Yeah, she was younger and crazier, and slightly less talented, but still Rose.
Good guy zach 6 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
Have you ever seen "Between Two Ferns"? That'll change your mind!
I step on these all of the time and they are NOT as bad as Legos. 29 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
I stepped on a dead (decomposing) catfish over the summer, it was hidden in the sand and half rotted and one of its barbs got stuck in my foot, a good inch in. Since it was slightly hooked at the end, I had to go to the hospital to get it removed. I was on crutches for a week. It was the most painful experience of my life, and I will never complain about Legos again.
Little lamb 22 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
Aww man, this is not cool...
My jaw dropped 10 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
Dammit I thought I was clever!
Well kudos to you, guest, for thinking of this first.
My jaw dropped 10 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
"My jaw dropped."
Yeah, so did the rodent's.
When you're at a friends house and they're being yelled at 16 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
I do believe so.
Let the bodies hit the wall 10 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
You're welcome, random fangirl!
This is so sad 28 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
Elephants and humans are actually the only mammals physically capable of crying.
Say hi to the strangest movie of all time. 34 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
You don't even find out the tire has a name until the end credits, or so I hear.
Say hi to the strangest movie of all time. 34 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
The first time I saw this on the Netflix listing I laughed uncontrollably for a good ten minutes. I've seen it countless times since and I still sob without fail.
(witty title here) 5 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
(witty comment here)
When you're at a friends house and they're being yelled at 16 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
I love Psych, and this is the actor who plays Woody, but this is his role as Zachariah in Supernatural.
When you're at a friends house and they're being yelled at 16 comments
gilbonzo · 10 years ago
This is from that episode of Supernatural when Zachariah was being an even huger butt than usual.